2 posts tagged with queen by zarq.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.
The Department of Time: Óleo sobre tiempo (Oil Painting Over Time) First Watch Season 2, Ep 9
A Velázquez painting is auctioned off in 2016. But the painting in question was one of many destroyed in a fire at the Alcázar de Madrid in 1734. Velázquez is given a mission: travel back in time with Irene to investigate the paradox. [more inside]
The Department of Time: Tiempo de venganza (Time of Revenge) First Watch Season 1, Ep 7
In 1843, Isabella II of Spain became Queen at the age of 13 (with her mother Maria Christina assuming regency). A year later, she demanded to visit the Ministry of Time. Former Ministry agent Armando Leiva, who recruited Irene back in 1960, has escaped from a Ministry prison in the Middle Ages and plans to kill the Queen during her visit. With the very existence of the Ministry at stake, Ernesto, Amelia and Alonso are sent to foil Leiva's plans. [more inside]