3 posts tagged with roleplaying by drezdn.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ep. 8. Moonlighting - Chapter Two

Now that they can finally understand like, anything that anybody important is saying, our heroes seek employment in the Bureau of Balance. Merle brags about how smart he is. Taako accidentally encounters some life-changing intel. Magnus does horrible, horrible things to an automaton.
posted by drezdn on Feb 26, 2015 - 4 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ep. 6. Here There Be Gerblins - Chapter Six

In this, the thrilling conclusion to our first Adventure, Merle, Taako and Magnus pursue their engulfed employer into the heart of Phandalin. Will they be able to douse him before things get out of hand? Also, are you going to finish that Luna Bar?
posted by drezdn on Jan 29, 2015 - 5 comments

Podcast: The Adventure Zone: Ep. 5. Here There Be Gerblins - Chapter Five

Merle, Taako and Magnus complete their rescue mission, but then completely fail an entirely new, far more important mission. Taako acquires a powerful artifact, and doesn't seem so stoked about it.
posted by drezdn on Jan 15, 2015 - 7 comments

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