2 posts tagged with season4 by viggorlijah.
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The Killing: Eden  Season 4, Ep 6

The season finale for the six-part season four that ran on Netflix. Slate reckons that you should watch season four, even if you abandoned The Killing earlier. The AV Club has a mostly-spoiler-free review of the season, and one full of spoilers. You can get brief episode recaps at the Wikipedia page. Buzzfeed talks with Tylor Ross who played Kyle (full spoilers). Vanity Fair found the season sentimental. As spoilers abound in any possible recap I can find, so the only recap possible above the fold is: It rains. Holder and Linden talk. Crime happens.
posted by viggorlijah on Aug 12, 2014 - 9 comments

The Killing, season 4 post?

Would it be better to post one-by-one, or can I jump straight to season 4, episode 6? We started episode 4x01 last night and staggered off to sleep at 4am thanks to Netflix and auto-play. I searched but can't find any posts here or on the blue about season four.
posted by viggorlijah on Aug 8, 2014 - 10 comments

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