4 posts tagged with stephenking by We had a deal, Kyle.
Displaying 1 through 4 of 4.

Book: The Wind Through the Keyhole

Roland talks his way through a long, icy night. [more inside]
posted by We had a deal, Kyle on Mar 26, 2018 - 4 comments

It: (entire 1990 miniseries)  Season 0, Ep 0

In 1960, seven pre-teen outcasts fight an evil demon who poses as a child-killing clown. Thirty years later, they reunite to stop the demon once and for all when it returns to their hometown. [more inside]
posted by We had a deal, Kyle on Sep 11, 2017 - 9 comments

Under the Dome: Alaska  Season 3, Ep 5

When Big Jim and Julie team up to find proof to discredit Christine, they learn something new about the dome; Christine puts a deadly plan into action. [more inside]
posted by We had a deal, Kyle on Jul 20, 2015 - 5 comments

Under The Dome?

Is anyone else out there still watching Under The Dome? [more inside]
posted by We had a deal, Kyle on Jul 20, 2014 - 11 comments

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