2 posts tagged with thelibrarian by Navelgazer.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

Book: Unseen Academicals

Lord Vetinari, the tyrant Patrician of Ankh-Morpork, hates Football. Everyone knows this. It doesn't stop the mob-rules sides from battling it out in the back streets of the city, but the chaos and violence that inevitably results is at odds with his ability to impose order. When the Wizards at Unseen University discover that their beloved food budget is dependent on them fielding a team at least once every twenty years, though, it seems like it's time for the disc to finally organize the beautiful game. And four lowly employees at UU get swept along in all the furor, catching a whiff of dreams they never would have previously thought possible... (Industrial Revolution #6, Discworld #37) By Terry Pratchett. [more inside]
posted by Navelgazer on Feb 21, 2024 - 9 comments

Book: The Last Continent

The Librarian of Unseen University is sick, and in order to cure him, the Wizards need to know his real name which, uh... none of them do. And he's not telling, because the information could be used to change him back from his preferred form as an orangutan. But an idea! Rincewind might know it! But he accidentally got teleported to the continent of XXXX, and nobody knows where that is. So the Wizards go looking for XXXX, while Rincewind just tries to survive on terra incognita where everything is trying to kill him, well, about the same amount as is usual for Rincewind, really. (Wizards #6, Discworld #22.) By Terry Pratchett. [more inside]
posted by Navelgazer on Sep 27, 2023 - 11 comments

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