Hello from the Magic Tavern: Season 2, Ep 36 - Blessed Troll (w/ Dana Gould)
November 20, 2017 1:02 AM - Subscribe

We're visited by a troll that has been both blessed and cursed with special powers.


Arnie: Arnie Niekamp

Chunt: Adal Rifai

Usidore: Matt Young

Craig Davis: Dana Gould

Mysterious Man: Tim Sniffen

Craig: Ryan DiGiorgi

Producers: Arnie Niekamp, Evan Jacover, Ryan DiGiorgi

Editor: Ryan DiGiorgi

Theme Music: Andy Poland

Magic Tavern Logo: Allard Laban

Audio Assistance: Jason Knox

Production Assistance: Garrett Schultz
posted by FallowKing (1 comment total)
This was fun. The rustling paper filling in for all sound effects got funnier and funnier.
posted by CheeseLouise at 9:18 AM on November 20, 2017

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