Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: March 14, 2018
March 15, 2018 12:50 PM - Season 3, Episode 3 - Subscribe

  • Act 1: Rex & Mike & Conor & Teens
  • Act 2: Cy Vance: Technically Legal | Act 1 | Act 2
  • Act 3: Elected Prosecutors: Doin' Whatever They Want

  • Democrats: We've decided to try!

    That little 12 year old has been all over the talk shows. And all of this is giving my old jaded heart a little glimpse of hope. Samantha put into words what I've been feeling for a while, that I didn't think anything would change either, but now it might.

    I was surprised to learn that there's basically no oversight on district attorneys. Or that they were 95% white, although I guess I shouldn't be surprised by that. But the 85% running uncontested every election is staggering.
    posted by numaner 1 user marked this as a favorite
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