Book: Immersion The Science and Mystery of Freshwater Mussels
April 15, 2019 12:57 AM - by Abbie Gascho Landis - Subscribe
A beautiful (portable) book on a less-seen but vital part of our world. I read this when I was starting a freshwater project a while back as it helped me into an area I knew little of.
If you're concerned about Earth; a geologist, zoologist, ecologist or simply want the gist of how part of nature works this is a great place to start. It's one of the most readable pieces of nature writing I've seen in years. Also has a helpful bibliography.
These numerous and diverse bivalves are simply amazing and if we would just look after their habitat they could do so much to look after ours - just one tidbit from Immersion is that many mussels can filter out sediments and nutrient below 20µm. Our best stormwater filters cannot yet do that - own blog link
'Immersion' is as much a reference to the authors' experience, and her approach to the watery habitat, as it is to the way mussel-thinking can expand outward to our world.
It's amazing how much these guys filter, more than a litre of water an hour! "dense mussel populations can process the whole volume of a shallow lake in a matter of days" NZ Science blog
and with thanks to Homo neanderthalensis for starting a series on science, nature and gardens in Fanfare
These numerous and diverse bivalves are simply amazing and if we would just look after their habitat they could do so much to look after ours - just one tidbit from Immersion is that many mussels can filter out sediments and nutrient below 20µm. Our best stormwater filters cannot yet do that - own blog link
'Immersion' is as much a reference to the authors' experience, and her approach to the watery habitat, as it is to the way mussel-thinking can expand outward to our world.
It's amazing how much these guys filter, more than a litre of water an hour! "dense mussel populations can process the whole volume of a shallow lake in a matter of days" NZ Science blog
and with thanks to Homo neanderthalensis for starting a series on science, nature and gardens in Fanfare
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