No Such Thing As A Fish: Episode 305: No Such Thing As A Sentient Jelly
January 24, 2020 8:43 AM - Subscribe

Dan, James, Anna and Andrew discuss the world's first electric cargo ship, jelly wobbliness testing, and Edison's near-miss with a flying badger.

@Schreiberland: Lovely message from one of our @nosuchthing listeners today: “... in the newly released episode Andy mentioned red light district. It's named after the red neon lights illuminating the windows rather than the traffic like system. Lol, Andy you dickhead.”
posted by taskmaster (2 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I love this podcast! It feels like hanging out with your smartest, funniest friends. These are the sheep that eat only seaweed, by the way.
posted by Rora at 7:17 PM on January 27, 2020

posted by taskmaster at 11:27 AM on January 28, 2020

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