The X-Files: Eve   Rewatch 
March 7, 2020 9:01 PM - Season 1, Episode 11 - Subscribe

Scully and Mulder look into the case of two men, one in Connecticut, one in California, who died in exactly the same way at exactly the same time, and who each left behind an eight-year-old daughter.
posted by orange swan (4 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
This episode always felt like such a rip-off of Mildred Ames' sci-fi teen novel Anna to the Infinite Power.

I don't understand how Teena and Cindy exsanguinated their fathers. What did they do with all that blood (4 litres per man!) that it wasn't found during the subsequent murder investigation?

Harriet Sansome Harris turned in quite a stellar performance as three of the adult Eves. I've never forgotten that moment where she talks about biting a guard's eyeball and then gnashes her yellow teeth.

Why the hell would anyone let a doctor who looks exactly like the incarcerated psychotic Eve into that facility without double checking her credentials?
posted by orange swan at 6:15 PM on March 8, 2020 [3 favorites]

Obligatory trivia: this episode is the source of the name of Gen-X faves Eve 6.
posted by ricochet biscuit at 9:09 PM on March 8, 2020 [1 favorite]

I don't understand how Teena and Cindy exsanguinated their fathers. What did they do with all that blood (4 litres per man!) that it wasn't found during the subsequent murder investigation?

Yeah, this is one of those details they threw in just to increase the creep factor (and misdirect Mulder for a bit) more than anything else.
posted by tobascodagama at 7:58 AM on March 9, 2020

Why the hell would anyone let a doctor who looks exactly like the incarcerated psychotic Eve into that facility without double checking her credentials?

They say early on that the incarcerated Eve keeps the lights in her cell out and stays in the shadows--"nobody's ever really gotten a good look at her." So that might be able to account for no one noticing her resemblance to the polished professional who shows up at the facility.
posted by dlugoczaj at 7:06 AM on March 10, 2020

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