Skin (2019)
July 28, 2020 4:34 AM - Subscribe

Skin is a documentary about exploring through the meaning of beauty in all the different shades of black. Set in Lagos, Nollywood actress Beverly Naya goes on a journey to learn about contrasting perceptions of beauty by meeting individuals who have dealt with the pressure to conform to certain standards of beauty and how colorism continues to shape the face of the entertainment industry in Africa.
posted by Anonymous (2 comments total)
This documentary is beautifully produced and covers a subject (colorism in Africa specifically) that I haven't seen in other documentaries (for example, Dark Girls mainly focuses on it in the African-American community). I wish it delved a bit more into the history and sociological underpinnings--but I think that was a conscious choice in order to devote more time to experiences with and effects of colorism rather than the technicalities behind it.

Can be found on Netflix.
posted by Anonymous at 4:43 AM on July 28, 2020

Also: Dark Girls is excellent as well for anyone interested in the topic of colorism but should get its own post.
posted by Anonymous at 4:44 AM on July 28, 2020

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