Invasion: Crash
October 29, 2021 11:21 AM - Season 1, Episode 2 - Subscribe

Amid chaos, Aneesha makes a difficult decision for the sake of her family. Trevante, a Navy SEAL, investigates a distress call with his team.

Unanswered questions - why are people driving away from their damaged but still functional houses in the middle of the night? Exactly how long is that mixtape? Why is the US still in Afghanistan in this universe? And why did you buy a fucking Tesla?
posted by Happy Dave (1 comment total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I can’t get away from the fact that the Unpleasant Bully character in the U.K. storyline looks like a mini Rick Astley.
posted by Happy Dave at 2:22 AM on October 30, 2021 [4 favorites]

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