Atlanta: Work Ethic!
October 14, 2022 6:30 PM - Season 4, Episode 5 - Subscribe

or, Bring Your Daughter to Work Day.

CW: This includes some nightmare fuel for parents, I imagine.
posted by skoosh (2 comments total)
This one is another Teddy Perkins episode. A single character (well, two counting the daughter) sucked into a dystopian showbiz universe, and the monster is played by Glover in disguise. For some reason I feel like these episodes reflect DG's personal sense of humor most closely - both had a climactic, very silly line spoken by Glover (in Teddy Perkins it's about showbiz fathers, and in this one it's the about the grits).
posted by anhedonic at 5:51 AM on February 7, 2023

On the surface it's a satire squarely aimed at Tyler Perry, but then they subtly suggest it's a self-critique as well (as Mr. Chocolate shows Vanessa clips from the surveillance cam, saying that these are TV tropes.) One wonders if DG has feelings about the show going on a season or two more than they really wanted to do.
posted by anhedonic at 5:56 AM on February 7, 2023

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