Hunger (2023)
April 9, 2023 8:18 AM - Subscribe

A woman running her family's noodle restaurant receives an invitation to join the fine-dining industry under the tutelage of an infamous chef.

Ayo is a young woman who works in her father's noodle place. One day she is approached by a young man, Tone, who gives her his card and invites her to try for a place on Chef Paul's team. After joining the team, she begins to learn more about her craft from the abusive Paul and the loving Tone, while observing the opulent lifestyle of the rich as her family struggles to stay afloat.

When Tone and Ayo witness Paul cooking an endangered bird for a group of hunters, they quit. Ayo is approached to helm her own restaurant, which quickly gains notoriety. She is hired to cater an exclusive birthday party until she discovers it's actually a showdown between her and Chef Paul.
posted by miss-lapin (2 comments total)
The movie is beautifully shot, and the acting is great, but it is such a predictable plod. In terms of the story, the only moment I really enjoyed is when Chef Paul is talking about what motivates him relating a story about his childhood. Normally, I'm not a fan of expository monologues about one's motivation, but it was a relief from Ayo's relentlessly quiet earnestness.

The commentary is far too obvious, and the observations very black and white. I was hoping for something far more from this movie especially considering all the positive reviews, but all I got was a desire to have noodles. You're better off rewatching the Menu if you're looking for commentary on consumption, classicism, and celebrity chefs.
posted by miss-lapin at 8:27 AM on April 9, 2023

related: the freshman
posted by j_curiouser at 11:33 AM on April 9, 2023

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