The Mandalorian: Chapter 24: The Return
April 19, 2023 12:58 AM - Season 3, Episode 8 - Subscribe

The Mandalorian and his allies confront their enemy.
posted by EndsOfInvention (77 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
I think this is the first time this season I've started an episode excited about what's going to happen.
posted by EndsOfInvention at 1:08 AM on April 19, 2023

Lots of fun fight scenes, not a whole lot of plot really. The jetpack cavalry charges was cool, the mouse droid cops were funny, I quite liked Gideon's Darth Mando outfit. But there were plot threads left unused (beskar fragment in shuttle wreckage didn't go anywhere, we never saw Gideon's force clones used, the Praetorian Guard were underwhelming).
posted by EndsOfInvention at 2:00 AM on April 19, 2023 [3 favorites]

And no Thrawn reveal!
posted by EndsOfInvention at 2:03 AM on April 19, 2023 [1 favorite]

beskar fragment in shuttle wreckage didn't go anywhere

That was foreshadowing that he had troops in beskar armour, which is who broke him out.

, we never saw Gideon's force clones used,

Because he never had them? He was close to isolating the force, he didn’t actually manage it because he didn’t have the baby. Those were just his regular ass clones.

the Praetorian Guard were underwhelming).

Eh, you got me there.
posted by His thoughts were red thoughts at 3:33 AM on April 19, 2023 [7 favorites]

No brown eyes :'(
posted by Sweetie Darling at 3:42 AM on April 19, 2023 [4 favorites]

That was foreshadowing that he had troops in beskar armour, which is who broke him out.

Sure, but Teva didn't do anything with that, there was no conflict between the Mandalorians and the New Republic (with the latter thinking the former abducted Gideon), there was no investigation, the Mandalorians never heard about it. For us, the viewers, it was a tease for the the Imperial Commandos, but in universe it had no plot effect.

Because he never had them?

Yeah it was just a shame that after three seasons of teasing his clone experiments they never paid off, plot-wise. The big Imperial threat turned out to be their mastery of beskar armour and Mandalorian tech, not cloning.
posted by EndsOfInvention at 4:48 AM on April 19, 2023

And no Thrawn reveal!

Thrawn is the Big Bad for the Ahsoka show, so they are saving his reveal for that.
posted by briank at 5:17 AM on April 19, 2023 [3 favorites]

So confused about Mandalorian naming conventions. Since when do Mandalorians list the surname first? Or is Din Grogu a patronymic name, which makes even less sense?
posted by 1970s Antihero at 5:24 AM on April 19, 2023 [2 favorites]

'Grogu Djarin' was too long, and sounds weird, is why

Star Wars for Dads: the middleagening

I really wanted a half-built razorcrest "up on blocks" in the yard at the end, just to complete the 'rural bliss' diorama. it's there in my head

The praetorian guard fights, so far, come out bad for them if they are against multiple coordinated opponents, at least one of whom is a force-wielder

it went about right, I thought. I got the tension. Din Djarin being an accomplished Capoeira type fighter showed up better than Vizla's solitary boxing style. the gun fu on that fight and the storm mandos was great for TV, I thought

Gideon's line about "Mandos are just gimmicks" was a solid villian projection moment

I thought the clones were 'perfect', i.e force users? In dialog, it seems like they were? i'll have to go back...
posted by eustatic at 5:57 AM on April 19, 2023 [4 favorites]

So Din's finished serving Bo-Katan? RIP the darksaber, you were awfully cool-looking. Did anyone else find this quite anti-climactic?

Season 4 episode 1: Din cursing at the IKEA swingset he's trying to set up while Sir Grogu plays in a mud puddle.
posted by orrnyereg at 6:07 AM on April 19, 2023 [8 favorites]

I thought the clones were 'perfect', i.e force users? In dialog, it seems like they were? i'll have to go back...

From my understanding, the batch of clones (of Gideon) that Din destroyed was going to be the first batch that finally had midichlorians which would allow them to use the Force. That's why Gideon was so pissed off in that confrontation with Din.

Maybe it's because I watched this at 3:45 am after having my sleep interrupted, but it came across as underwhelming. It was a finale that had some boxes to check off, and it checked them off, but how they were checked off left me wishing it could have been done. I guess I'll air my grievances and try and rally back with some positives!

1) How did Grogu get to Din in the beginning? They were separated. Somehow Grogu found a side access hallway that connected the area the mandos were fleeing and took it to Din? This made absolutely no sense.

2) "Spies." Well, whatever that was supposed to be. The Armorer was weirdly just gone until she brought the ground forces to support Bo, but that wasn't the plan when she left. I guess she did a U-turn in the sky and hooked up with the other Mandalorians. Her departure and return were just weird, kind of Grogu finding his way to Din weird. I guess if there was a spy other than Kane, we're just going to be left hanging, unless somehow Gideon was a spy vis a vis Thrawn. Got me.

3) The geography of this fight was baffling. If I understand it correctly, after Din and Grogu get together, they basically did a complete circle to end right back up where Paz Visla got taken out. Gideon's command HQ had a backdoor to the flight hangar or something, but again, their path served the purpose of destroying the clones and letting Din get the bad ass honors of taking down two sets of dark (white) clone troopers three/four times in a row.

Additionally, I thought this was all right there next to the Great Forge...but then Axe crashes the cruiser RIGHT into this spot. What?

4) Bo-Katan should've been allowed to fight and defeat Gideon on her own based on their established history. Her beating him with the Darksaber, the essence of Mandalorian culture, while he's in his abomination of Mandalorian armor/Dark Trooper armor, would have been a great story. Instead, the Darksaber is just trashed and Gideon isn't even really defeated by either of our heroes, but gets engulfed in flames. In his special super armor. It's like they wanted to leave an opportunity for him to return again...which, I love Giancarlo Esposito, but his villain has run his run. Make his death permanent, final, and EXTREMELY clear.

5) Praetorian Guard. Somehow they took the tension and lethal elegance of the guards as they killed off Visla, and I don't know, lost it. It just wasn't there. I figured Grogu would play a role in their defeat, and I did appreciate how Din quickly seized up on their armor's weaknesses by shooting them in the legs....but some how the pacing, the choreography was off.

6) Carson Teva. I love the character, but I feel they need to give Paul Sun-Hyung Lee a little more personality. He feels boxed in somehow, and given how well I've seen him act elsewhere, it has to be how the character was written. Maybe it's just me. I still want more Teva.

7) Not even a blush of Thrawn. It appears they're sticking to telling, not showing, but I think they could've hyped Ahsoka coming in August at least a bit more if they'd had really, any type of reference or mention of him. For example, Gideon gets defeated by Bo-Katan, runs like a scaredy cat, turns a corner and there's a Noghri or two chilling in the corridor who promptly lay him out or take him prisoner or something. ANYTHING.

Okay. Good things.

1) ILM, as always, brought it to the game. Their work on all the shows has been pretty amazing and it's always beautiful.

2) We wanted a Grogu "No" last episode when Din got captured, didn't get it. We did get it here. His Jedi prowess hopping around and using the Force against the Praetorian Guard was the right level of Groguness for the show. His ability to do these things were all revealed along the way of this season. RIP IG-12.

3) Praise the Maker, IG-11 has returned from the dead! This was one of those "wait, but you already had the head, how did you know THAT droid head had the piece you needed" moments but eh, who cares. IG-11 looked great in his Constable paint design.

4) Bo-Katan didn't die. In fact, no one did (in terms of confirmation and those having names). The garden in the caverns was an interesting take, but so short lived, that I can only guess is that in Season 4, there's going to be some green on the surface of Mandalore. It's not clear from this show, but in Clone Wars/Rebels it was established that the Mandalorians had pretty much wiped out their own planet well before the Empire dropped bombs everywhere. Like Excalibur returning to Arthur, Camelot is in bloom, but yeah, Excalibur also got smashed into pieces - which didn't play well into Gideon's fetish for it.

5) R5. That droid really is one of the big winners of the new Star Wars canon. Good for him.

6) The ending was quaint. It was nice to see happy dad, happy son.

In total, if I had to grade this finale, I'd give it a B. The next season will presumably Din and Grogu exposing the Shadow Council in some way, perhaps helping lead Ahsoka to Thrawn. Who knows. The New Republic, famously downsizing after winning the war, not hiring a private contractor as a general practice felt like a weird take. I'm satisfied, but had much higher hopes for the finale.
posted by Atreides at 6:58 AM on April 19, 2023 [3 favorites]

Like Excalibur returning to Arthur, Camelot is in bloom, but yeah, Excalibur also got smashed into pieces - which didn't play well into Gideon's fetish for it.

I guess their point was that Mandalore is unified without it, but I fully expect the Darksaber to return later with a "we fixed it". It's just a kind of lightsaber, which is at its core just a special crystal with energy focused through it. If they want, they can just rebuild it to use in a later show.
posted by Fleebnork at 7:13 AM on April 19, 2023 [2 favorites]

The Darksaber was created by the first Mandalorian to be inducted into the Jedi order. They just inducted a jedi into the Mandalorian order. Time to make a new one.
posted by Just this guy, y'know at 7:46 AM on April 19, 2023 [14 favorites]

Instead, the Darksaber is just trashed and Gideon isn't even really defeated by either of our heroes, but gets engulfed in flames. In his special super armor. It's like they wanted to leave an opportunity for him to return again...

Of course he'll be back* but it will be interesting to see how patient they are and if they have a plan. Ideally he's not back for The Mandalorian. But they're making movies that come after Rise of Skywalker and a Force powered Moff Gideon would be better than any of the First Order bad guys.

(*- It's Star Wars, so even if they don't bring him back for the live action or animated series, he will feature in at least 4 novels and a 24 issue comics crossover event)
posted by Gary at 10:41 AM on April 19, 2023 [2 favorites]

(*- It's Star Wars, so even if they don't bring him back for the live action or animated series, he will feature in at least 4 novels and a 24 issue comics crossover event)

It's all Giancarlo Esposito's charisma's fault.
posted by Atreides at 11:08 AM on April 19, 2023 [7 favorites]

4) Bo-Katan should've been allowed to fight and defeat Gideon on her own based on their established history.

No, because *themes*

Alone is how Vizla died. That was the way. BoK got her hand crushed, and is all defense from that point (maybe knee rockets?)

"This is how we win, saving who we love" "Mandoes are stronger together" "the darksaber suxx and only creates war" etc etc. This has been telegraphed.

All of the fight choreography backs this up. Even when Mando abandons the fight with Gideon to save Grogu, insulting Gideon. who pulls him back.

The three victors don't win in offense, but in mutual defense while the fire rains down on the solo villian

Continuing in the long tradition of Star Wars dueling injuries, the cyborg-crushing of BoK's dueling hand was sick. I am thrilled to get robot-hand Bo Katan in Mando 4, or whatever the next joint is
posted by eustatic at 11:17 AM on April 19, 2023 [12 favorites]

So whats the score on killing clones still in the tank? Are they just transitively evil by way of genetics? I get that you can't have an army of clones running around when you're trying to close out his story line, but what does this imply for all the other clones running around the new republic?
posted by pwnguin at 11:20 AM on April 19, 2023 [2 favorites]

Gideon isn't even really defeated by either of our heroes, but gets engulfed in flames. In his special super armor. It's like they wanted to leave an opportunity for him to return again...which, I love Giancarlo Esposito, but his villain has run his run. Make his death permanent, final, and EXTREMELY clear.

Ideally he’d step out of the aftermath seemingly untouched, but the camera would swing around him to reveal one side of his head blasted down to bare skull with an empty eye socket. One last adjustment of his space tie and then he falls.
posted by ricochet biscuit at 12:47 PM on April 19, 2023 [19 favorites]

Or he does the slow turn, and he's half robot face. He's a Vader wannabe, let him upgrade to the full package, i.e. major cyborg replacements/enhancements.

If Mandalore is in a lot of ways just like Tuchanka in Mass Effect, i.e. heavily trashed by its natives' civil wars, then finding that patch of green growth is really on point, per Mass Effect 3 (which also had their Proud Warrior Race getting their collective groove back).

And I really, really hope that we see Elia Kane back. Yes, I'm simping for a villainess. (My big hope for Ahsoka is that they bring Asajj Ventress back.)
posted by Halloween Jack at 1:36 PM on April 19, 2023 [3 favorites]

That was definitely Dave Filoni chilling at the pilots' bar in a classic Filoni hat, right?
posted by EndsOfInvention at 3:29 PM on April 19, 2023 [1 favorite]

That was definitely Dave Filoni chilling at the pilots' bar in a classic Filoni hat, right?
Yeah that was the least unsubtle cameo I've ever seen

(My big hope for Ahsoka is that they bring Asajj Ventress back.)
Ventris spoilers
I'm in, but isn't she like, all the way dead at this point? Killed in a comic book jaunt with everyone's favourite jedi (Quinlan Voss), redeemed and buried in the jedi temple

who would've thought listening to a podcast would actually be useful?

posted by coriolisdave at 5:25 PM on April 19, 2023 [2 favorites]

Book, not comic as far as I i know. And it sucks.
posted by PussKillian at 5:50 PM on April 19, 2023 [3 favorites]

This whole season was trying to cram too much into too little space. And this episode is emblematic of that. At least the plot holes and contrivances aren't quite as awful as they are in Picard. As I said before, I hope this marks the end of this storyline, and if there is a Season 4, they get back to The Family Din and their advetnures. The little iris bit at the end, though, makes me think that perhaps this series might be done.
posted by briank at 6:05 PM on April 19, 2023 [1 favorite]

"Scomp" into the base (to find Gideon's command center)? Did I hear it wrong, is that SW cannon for hack/ electronically infiltrate?

Mando running the gauntlet - that's fine fine assed choreography. The guns akimbo style had some style.

Lol, even R5 has a jetpack.

Betting that there's a Grogu level in a video game sometime soon. Damn he be powerful.
posted by porpoise at 6:24 PM on April 19, 2023

coriolisdave, yes, but...

...her death involved getting hit by Force lightning from Dooku, which he'd done to her before and she survived, and she was "buried" on Dathomir, which has all sorts of quasi-magical stuff in and on it. (There was a bit in Rebels where Ezra Bridger and Maul had a psychic link that was severed there, and some Nightsisters ghosts showed up.) Especially since Quinlan Vos put her body in stasis immediately, and there were some weird touches to her water burial (the water turned green and Vos could hear the voices of her deceased sisters welcoming her home), it would be supereasy to handwave a resurrection. IMO, if you're going to dabble in space magic, why not go balls to the wall and get some necromancy going? Somehow, Palpatine returned, and whatnot.

posted by Halloween Jack at 7:00 PM on April 19, 2023 [2 favorites]

Also, too...

...there was going to be a duel with her and Kylo Ren at some point; that got called off, but the idea seems to have already occurred to The Powers That Be.

posted by Halloween Jack at 7:02 PM on April 19, 2023

I guess Din Djarin's name comes from his birth society and not his adopted culture but finding out his name order was a twist.
posted by yonega at 7:06 PM on April 19, 2023 [1 favorite]

That was fun! No great surprises but enjoyed it.

Finding it hard to suspend disbelief over Mandalorian jetpacks though. They can get to orbit but can't catch a big flappy lizard?
posted by TheophileEscargot at 8:56 PM on April 19, 2023 [16 favorites]

Awww! Grogu had a battlebot going on! So cute!

Seriously, I'm happy for the Mandalorians and all, but DARNED IF BATTLE BABY WASN'T CUTE AS SHIT. Like, we all know he's Din's kid (also nthing that the order of names is confusing), and him being adopted is a slam dunk. It was a nice happy ending to see him levitating a frog instead of just swallowing it whole, for a change.

It does make you wonder why the Yoda species is slow to speak. It seems like the baby is trying, for sure.
posted by jenfullmoon at 9:22 PM on April 19, 2023 [4 favorites]

Lol, even R5 has a jetpack.
Ok two things that bugged me here.

1) Where the FUCK did R5 come from? Cos mando flew in with the dropship. Presumably his phat ride was aboard the carrier? Would make more sense than R5 just bringing it along and parking it at J Random Spot on the surface.

2) R5 flew in, down a big as hole, and then.. gets scared cos he's close to the edge? fucker please

Was he.. giggling.. as he ran around the fluro lights? Cos he sounded like he was giggling (and panting sometimes, but mostly giggling)
posted by coriolisdave at 10:03 PM on April 19, 2023 [3 favorites]

Lol I watched this with increasingly mad faces as the last ten minutes proceeded then at the end turned to my partner and said "what so is the show OVER now or what? That was some Return of the Jedi ass BULLSHIT I just watched."

I guess maybe they hated writing this season (it showed!!) and want to go back to the episodic Lone Wolf and Cub model, and this was how they did it? Then Bo-katan and friends can work with Ahsoka on her show, and the Din crew are back to freelancing?

But my friends WHO WERE THE SPIES
posted by potrzebie at 10:32 PM on April 19, 2023 [3 favorites]

Funny to think that there was probably a convo in the writers room that they had to put Yodicito and Mando up against just a three-person Praetorian guard complement so as not to imply that Kylo Ren and Rey could have possibly been beaten by a single Mandalorian and his little toddler Yoda son

I think I might hate this show now you guys? maybe this was a hate watch
posted by potrzebie at 10:37 PM on April 19, 2023 [2 favorites]

I was wondering about the surface to orbit jet-pack flight.

On Earth, reportedly the sky looks black around 100 km (62 miles) up. Assuming those ships are just kind of hovering under power at that altitude and not actually orbiting, I guess the jet-packer doesn't have to reach orbital velocities to catch up to the ship.

But, that's still a jet-pack ascending 100 km straight up (Mandalore could be smaller than Earth though).
posted by yonega at 10:58 PM on April 19, 2023 [2 favorites]

Maybe Axe Woves just has a super jetpack. Or perhaps the next big intra-Mandalorian conflict is over the Children of the Watch trying to get the Nite Owls to share out the non-shitty jetpacks.
posted by TheophileEscargot at 1:06 AM on April 20, 2023 [2 favorites]

I got very excited over Force Baby. He's finally showing some real skills. He was very helpful during the Praetorian Guard fight, giving dad some great back up. And then he creates a force field strong enough to protect himself and two others from a blazing inferno and it only saps his strength enough to make him sit down; before, trying something like that would have knocked him out cold. I squeed a lot over Force Baby.

I enjoyed all three endings--the lighting of the Great Forge, the return of Constable IG-11, and the cowboy daddy and his son hanging out at the ranch after a day of defeating outlaws. The best of The Mandalorian is the relationship of Djarin and Grogu.

All this time I thought Din was his first name. Maybe the Mandalorians could make some kind of rule about name order . . . ?
posted by ceejaytee at 4:17 AM on April 20, 2023 [7 favorites]

This is the most popular thing with the Star Wars name on it since 1977; no way is this the final season. But, the final bar scene suggests season 4 is going to go along similar lines to what they wanted to do with the Rangers of the New Republic show. Wookieepedia seems to agree.

I found lots to enjoy in this finale even if the season overall has been too predictable and, as someone said a few eps ago, "low effort" writing-wise. The magic of season 1, to me, was its deliberately-minimalist, Old West feel. That's gradually diminished, but I still have enough twelve-year-old boy in me to get something out of these proceedings.

Mrs. CoB and I discussed Gideon and ended up agreeing that, for a Star Wars villain, he seems pretty impulsive and improvisational—not much for long-term scheming, or at least, not effectively. I mean, Palpatine brewin' up a bunch of clones of himself makes sense: he can (I guess?) use the Dark Side to transfer his consciousness into one. What was Gideon's plan? Decant these guys and stand feebly by as they either supplant or abandon him?
posted by CheesesOfBrazil at 4:21 AM on April 20, 2023 [5 favorites]

I found lots to enjoy in this finale even if the season overall has been too predictable and, as someone said a few eps ago, "low effort" writing-wise. The magic of season 1, to me, was its deliberately-minimalist, Old West feel. That's gradually diminished, but I still have enough twelve-year-old boy in me to get something out of these proceedings.

Agreed on all points. It helps that I have an actual 11-year-old son with whom to enjoy the show. He helps me quiet the "but why?" voice in my head and just roll with it.
posted by Fleebnork at 4:49 AM on April 20, 2023 [1 favorite]

"Scomp" into the base (to find Gideon's command center)? Did I hear it wrong, is that SW cannon for hack/ electronically infiltrate?

IIRC, Star Wars hacking is "slicing", scomp is the data connection that astromechs use to connect to computer systems - that plug that they connect and rotate. The Star Wars version of USB.
posted by EndsOfInvention at 5:01 AM on April 20, 2023 [5 favorites]

three seasons of teasing

AKA: standard streaming operating procedure.
posted by fairmettle at 5:50 AM on April 20, 2023

I guess Grogu is a child soldier now? Skip right past the innocent baby thing, put him into combat and everyone's just OK with that? He did a remarkable job keeping up considering he was the only one without a jet pack.

Speaking of jet packs all that aerial combat was fun to watch but also deeply silly. I gotta think anyone whirling a Darksaber around is a threat to everyone around them, friend or foe. Maybe that was part of the brief; "whatever you do don't fly near Boca!"

This episode felt underwhelming and rushed. I missed the memo that this season was so short; I was expecting like 4-6 more episodes about reclaiming Mandalore. Not just "drop a spaceship on the planet, we're done". Really this whole season seems some elaborate detour to set up a Mandalorian society, maybe for a new show? And next season we're back to dad and baby. (Child soldier wizard baby.) With occasional hijinks from their robot butler / murder droid.
posted by Nelson at 6:21 AM on April 20, 2023

I hope season 4 doesn't require quite as much suspension of disbelief. I'm fine with a "shut off brain" show, but hacking the entire Imperial base from an external socket really pushed that. And seemingly having a stardard setting for "exploding window cascade" on a clone tank installation would have struck someone as a bad idea?

For all that, I did kind of love the rather silly device of Bo-Katan throwing up that tiny shield against the inferno and then the slow reveal of Baby's force bubble.

I hope Din referring to himself as an independent contractor was a Clerks callback.
posted by EvaDestruction at 6:43 AM on April 20, 2023 [1 favorite]

Edna Mode gonna fall to the dark side if she EVER catches wind of those cape/jetpack combos some of the mandalorians were sporting.
posted by FallibleHuman at 6:57 AM on April 20, 2023 [10 favorites]

I hope season 4 doesn't require quite as much suspension of disbelief. I'm fine with a "shut off brain" show, but hacking the entire Imperial base from an external socket really pushed that. And seemingly having a standard setting for "exploding window cascade" on a clone tank installation would have struck someone as a bad idea?

An astromech controlling systems throughout a base via a data port goes all the way back to Artoo engaging with the computer on the Death Star, locating Leia, finding maps, and turning off garbage disposals, etc. Course, tractor beams had to be turned off by hand apparently. Incidentally, Artoo's possession of the rest of the map in Force Awakens is handwaved back to him downloading it during his time exploring the Death Star's database. But yes, if there's an astromech and there's a data port, they can do a lot of things.

I guess Grogu is a child soldier now? Skip right past the innocent baby thing, put him into combat and everyone's just OK with that? He did a remarkable job keeping up considering he was the only one without a jet pack.

Be it a Mandalorian or a Jedi, the kid was destined for combat before puberty. Well. If his species has a puberty.

Funny to think that there was probably a convo in the writers room that they had to put Yodicito and Mando up against just a three-person Praetorian guard complement so as not to imply that Kylo Ren and Rey could have possibly been beaten by a single Mandalorian and his little toddler Yoda son

One can make an argument that this Praetorian Guard is just the initial version and that over the next 15 or whatever years, especially under Snoke's guidance, they became even more dangerous and lethal. But also, Rey would have totally dropped to her knees to shower affection on Grogu. This would leave Mando and Kylo Ren, which, if Kylo doesn't go in for the Force, would be a pretty good match, tbh.
posted by Atreides at 8:08 AM on April 20, 2023 [1 favorite]

Yeah Yodicito's life could have taken many turns but poor little guy was marked as a child soldier from the very beginning. If you're not on board with kids at war you really shouldn't be watching Star Wars.

And seemingly having a stardard setting for "exploding window cascade" on a clone tank installation would have struck someone as a bad idea?

From the creative team that brought you "yeah the dial still goes up to 'mind flay' but we just don't turn it that far... YOU HOPE LOL" earlier this season...nope, seems reasonable to have that "ruin all clones" button
posted by potrzebie at 8:10 AM on April 20, 2023 [6 favorites]

If there's a running line through Star Wars, there are no engineers or safety consultants always standing by to say, "Well, wait a moment, how about a handrail over here?" or things to that nature.
posted by Atreides at 8:37 AM on April 20, 2023 [6 favorites]

Or is Din Grogu a patronymic name, which makes even less sense?

If I remember my Hebrew school lessons correctly, Din Grogu is the first shabbos after Yom Kippur.
posted by PlusDistance at 9:33 AM on April 20, 2023 [8 favorites]

My favorite moment of this finale was when clone Gideon scared Grogu away from his bakta-clone tank. The way Grogu/IG-12 cringed away in fear was so perfectly out of character for an IG unit.
posted by abraxasaxarba at 10:16 AM on April 20, 2023 [4 favorites]

Star Wars hates hand railings the way that Star Trek hates circuit breakers on bridge control panels.
posted by Halloween Jack at 12:43 PM on April 20, 2023 [8 favorites]

Speaking of jet packs all that aerial combat was fun to watch but also deeply silly. I gotta think anyone whirling a Darksaber around is a threat to everyone around them, friend or foe.

I was impressed by the Armorer's dedication to the bit, going into a jet-pack battle against elite Dark Troopers, still wielding the hammer & tongs.
posted by Saxon Kane at 12:45 PM on April 20, 2023 [7 favorites]

most of the jet pack fighting was hand to hand, although the double knee rockets sequence was awesome. I don't think anyone appeared to be taken out by blaster fire either way, or maybe one or two

If Star Wars had railings, how could jet pack fighters do those awesome slide moves onto ramps and platforms? (also, ouch at crash sliding onto a platform from a jetpack)

also, they followed the 'high ground' rules --Imperials win when they attack Mandos from above, Mandos win when they attack from above
posted by eustatic at 3:17 PM on April 20, 2023 [1 favorite]

An astromech controlling systems throughout a base via a data port goes all the way back to Artoo engaging with the computer on the Death Star, locating Leia, finding maps, and turning off garbage disposals, etc.

Maybe I'm misremembering, but I recall R2 and C3PO having to get well into the Death Star to access that port. It's less the issue of the port being The Master Remote, which is well-established, than it being directly next to the doorbell.
posted by EvaDestruction at 5:10 PM on April 20, 2023

Well barring jetpacks, that spot is actually hard to access. Maybe it was built using old imperial blueprints that don't take jetpacks into account.
posted by Monday, stony Monday at 5:48 PM on April 20, 2023 [1 favorite]

Maybe it was built using old imperial blueprints that don't take jetpacks into account.

Another example, then, of Gideon failing to think things through when establishing his secret base on Mandalore.
posted by CheesesOfBrazil at 4:25 AM on April 21, 2023 [4 favorites]

> I hope season 4 doesn't require quite as much suspension of disbelief. I'm fine with a "shut off brain" show, but hacking the entire Imperial base from an external socket really pushed that. ploding window cascade" on a clone tank installation would have struck someone as a bad idea?

>>An astromech controlling systems throughout a base via a data port goes all the way back to Artoo engaging with the computer on the Death Star, locating Leia, finding maps, and turning off garbage disposals, etc.

Surely someone in the ecosystem of Star Wars fandom has made a short film of Darth Vader storming into the IT room of the Death Star or some other Imperial ship/base and force choked the hapless system admin for their "disappointing security lapse".
posted by jeremias at 4:43 AM on April 21, 2023 [2 favorites]

Is there fanfic where Steve Jobs is in-universe and switches the rebels to some kind of proprietary port, inadvertently giving them hack-proof bases and ships thus shifting the balance of power?
posted by mikepop at 4:55 AM on April 21, 2023 [4 favorites]

Maybe I'm misremembering, but I recall R2 and C3PO having to get well into the Death Star to access that port. It's less the issue of the port being The Master Remote, which is well-established, than it being directly next to the doorbell.

They were in a control room near the hangar where the Imperials yanked the Falcon into with a tractor beam. It may have been down a hallway or up a stairwell or something, but it wasn't deep within the Death Star. Your consideration about placement and front door are highly applicable to the bunker doors in Return of the Jedi, when everyone tells Artoo to use the data port conveniently located outside to open the doors...only to discover it was a charging port or something and giving the astromech a nasty shock.

Based on the mouse droid swinging by, it felt like wherever R5 was, it was kind of "in" the facility, like a side room or something weird. But in the end, story always triumphs over everything else in Star Wars.
posted by Atreides at 8:10 AM on April 21, 2023 [2 favorites]

R5 flew in, down a big as hole, and then.. gets scared cos he's close to the edge?

It reminded me of one of those two circa-2000 Mars movies — I think Red Planet — where a landing capsule surrounded by cushioning balloons lands on the surface but then OH NOES begins rolling towards a cliff. Guys, the thing just descended from orbit and was fine and the jeopardy is from another hundred metres?

Maybe that was part of the brief; "whatever you do don't fly near Boca!"

I spent a few days visiting my in-laws who were wintering in Boca Raton and came back with a Boca tan.
posted by ricochet biscuit at 8:24 AM on April 21, 2023 [3 favorites]

Remember a couple seasons ago when Din had to sneak into an Imperial base and take his helmet off for a face scan in a room full of Imperial officers so he could get access to their computers? I'm just saying there seem to be rather uneven security protocols.
posted by Saxon Kane at 8:40 AM on April 21, 2023 [5 favorites]

(Thinking back, the face-scan to access a computer was pretty worthless security anyway, as it didn't check to make sure the person was actually part of the Imperial forces or was authorized to use the computer. Nope, just gotta make sure you have a face!)
posted by Saxon Kane at 11:57 AM on April 21, 2023 [3 favorites]

Maybe that was part of the brief; "whatever you do don't fly near Boca!"

I spent a few days visiting my in-laws who were wintering in Boca Raton and came back with a Boca tan.

Are you telling me there's not one Mando available in all of Del Boca Vista?
posted by Saxon Kane at 6:27 PM on April 21, 2023 [2 favorites]

I guess Grogu is a child soldier now?

Grogu is older than Din Djarin and has more Jedi training than Luke Skywalker.
posted by The Tensor at 11:36 PM on April 21, 2023 [7 favorites]

Sure he's old but he's also still a baby, barely a toddler. Unable to talk or get around on his own, with a child-like sense of innocence and discovery. He's "baby Yoda" to every fan of the show, emphasis here on "baby".

There weren't any pre-teen Mandalorians in the battle group. All the other foundlings got left behind. Why bring Grogu into the dangerous situation?

Yes, yes, I know. It was to make the story go. And because Grogu has some wizard powers that make him handy in a fight. Also I'd have to re-watch to be sure but most of the fight was a surprise right? Maybe they only planned to bring Grogu in for the "explore the dangerous planet" part and not the "fight a battle for survival with the big evil".

Still irked that they didn't show anything about how he was getting around and keeping up as the only one who couldn't fly. Maybe they originally had a cool scene of him levitating IG-11's corpse IG-12 with Grogu in it, awkwardly hovering into place with a big grin on his face.

I'm not just being silly here; keeping children out of military conflict is a primary moral mandate of civilized cultures. I'm as uncomfortable with seeing that norm violated as I am seeing rapey behavior or torture on TV. Bringing a toddler into a battle and having fun showing him attacking enemies is a new and unappealing transgression for me.

The more mundane complaint here is just this whole season had no idea what to do with Grogu. They decided to keep him on the show despite a whole season's worth of story written without really involving him. I liked the themes of Mandalorian foundlings, the initiation ceremonies, the training. I wish they'd done more with that and Grogu.
posted by Nelson at 6:54 AM on April 22, 2023 [1 favorite]

If you're not on board with kids at war you really shouldn't be watching Star Wars.

I just COULD NOT get over that the entire time I was watching Clone Wars. I get that this is, fundamentally, children's entertainment and the kids need a character they can identify with, but it really tested my suspension of disbelief.

If there's a running line through Star Wars, there are no engineers or safety consultants...

When Tim Meadows showed up a couple of episodes back, I had the idea of giving him his own The Office-type spinoff where he travels around the New Republic and tries to implement the most basic safety measures. Nobody does "quiet exasperation" better than Tim Meadows. I think it could be a winner.

I spent a few days visiting my in-laws who were wintering in Boca Raton and came back with a Boca tan

posted by MrBadExample at 9:45 AM on April 22, 2023 [5 favorites]

They were in a control room near the hangar where the Imperials yanked the Falcon into with a tractor beam. It may have been down a hallway or up a stairwell or something, but it wasn't deep within the Death Star.

Yeah, overlooking the hangar bay and I think a second one later in the hangar bay itself.
posted by ricochet biscuit at 8:37 AM on April 24, 2023

> I just COULD NOT get over that the entire time I was watching Clone Wars.

For me it was Captain America Civl War. “Did Tony Stark just traffic a minor across international borders for purposes of war?!?”
posted by bq at 8:41 AM on April 24, 2023 [3 favorites]

There's something a little different about Spiderman or the Clone Wars though, isn't there? Those characters are teenagers (although young; 14ish?) and the shows are made in part for teenagers. The characters serve as stand-ins for the young audience, they get to imagine themselves as heroic and having an adventure. One they would never do in real life, of course, but it's a sort of fantasy fulfillment. I feel like writing for a youth audience has long been like that and while it has some problematic elements I understand it, indeed enjoyed that kind of narrative when I was that age.

Grogu appears as barely a toddler. 2-3 years old in terms of human capability to get around, communicate, understand the world around him. No one is imagining themselves as baby Yoda when they watch the show. Watching his childish hijinks are part of the fun. That can be fantasy fulfillment too, the way he gets into peril and then is rescued or saves himself and it's all a little comic. Sort of Home Alone only with Jedi wizardry instead of slapstick.

I still don't know what to make of Din Djarin taking Grogu into that situation on Mandalore. I didn't like it though. I should soften my original comments and say I don't think the writers were actually endorsing child soldiers. I doubt the writers were that deliberate. But I do think there's something odd in this season where they're trying to explore the idea of training young Mandalorians, being an apprentice to a military tradition. I liked the hints of that with the other foundlings. It just feels really awkward when transposed to the cute toddler in a mecha suit with absolutely astounding Force powers.

I'm thinking too hard about this aren't I?
posted by Nelson at 11:39 AM on April 24, 2023 [1 favorite]

Nelson, if there's one thing we do in Star Wars Fanfare, it's think too hard about Star Wars. I've spent many stupid hours thinking about the fact that the clones are all tweens chronologically during the Clone Wars, and look and act like adults due to a combination of medical magic and brainwashing and, as the war drags on, the effect of years of really horrific experiences watching people who are genetically identical to them dying next to them in battle. You absolutely are within your rights to say, THIS kind of child soldier bugs me, THAT kind of slavery bothers me, THOSE kinds of total planetary destruction bother me, and damn does Star Wars give you so many opportunities to really figure out where you draw the line on these weird hypotheticals (why does it feel ok to me for the Bad Batch to be in combat situations but not their older sister Omega, who wasn't subjected to the same rapid aging treatments they were? Under what circumstances do I consider a droid's service to be involuntary? Does it matter if droids have all-droid bars they can go to, to let off steam, maybe literally??? Etc). And part of the fun is talking about it afterwards and understanding why people have such different lines.

For me, I know Grogu is baby-style cute in appearance, but I also know little guy has seen some shit and is generally capable of defending himself. He's been in scary situations many times on this show and made it out the other side. So even though he LOOKS baby, and he can't speak basic yet, I don't think of him as a defenseless kid. Lots of light side Force adepts don't look that scary till you get them going and plenty of them don't speak basic or speak it in a way that's played for laughs.

Life is cheap in the GFFA, and the extent to which children are afforded any special consideration seems to vary considerably from planet to planet and species to species. And it's really interesting how differently different people react to these hypothetical norms! Thank you for sharing and keep overthinking!
posted by potrzebie at 12:09 AM on April 25, 2023 [7 favorites]

I still don't know what to make of Din Djarin taking Grogu into that situation on Mandalore.

This is really where the influence of Lone Wolf and Cub into play in the show. For those not familiar with the premise, it's a manga that eventually had four/five movies and at least one tv show based off it, and follows the quest of vengeance by Ogami Itto and his toddler son, Diagoro, against the Yagyu clan in feudal Japan. Ogami is the Shogun's personal executioner, who's job it is to execute nobility when their ritual death has been ordered by the Shogun (for whatever reason). It's a prestigious job and one that the Yagyu clan, headed by Yagyu Retsudo, wants for themselves. Ogami is framed by the Yagyu for dishonoring the Shogun and chooses to hit the road as a killer for hire while plotting out vengeance against the Yagyu.

There's more to it than that, but a common element of the father's and son's travels is that Daigoro is right there in the very midst of very bloody combat. Sometimes as part of his hired killer profession and sometimes fighting off the Yagyu who are determined to end the Ogami clan. Over time, Daigoro even begins to pick up on his father's sword style and near the end, Ogami begins to teach him. Ogami repeatedly tells folks who are like, "OMG, your toddler is in danger!" that both he and his son have chosen to live this life together and face its dangers together (over time it's very clear that despite Ogami's stoic pronouncements of this type, he loves and worries about his son). And since Daigoro isn't a Jedi youngling, he is much, much more vulnerable.

Presumably, it's this essence which Favreau and Filoni opted to bring into the show, of father and young son, both braving the same threats, dangers, and risks.

I'm thinking too hard about this aren't I?

Naw. I think if Grogu didn't have any special powers, and was a human toddler, constantly screaming in fear and being traumatized by the danger and violence around him, we would be interpreting this much more differently. Instead, GFFA has thrown up some conditions in which we're like, "Oh, okay, he's a Jedi, Jedi do this sort of thing." The irony of all of this is that we've had two seasons now where it's been very clear that Grogu has lasting trauma from being in a violent situation where his life was threatened and watched those close to him die (Order 66). Perhaps it's because Din was also traumatized as a child, or perhaps it's the teachings of the Armorer, have desensitized him from the fact that he's repeatedly exposing Grogu to the same possible trauma over and over again.
posted by Atreides at 6:52 AM on April 25, 2023 [4 favorites]

I think if Grogu didn't have any special powers, and was a human toddler, constantly screaming in fear and being traumatized by the danger and violence around him, we would be interpreting this much more differently.

Somewhat off-topic, but this makes me think of all the families onboard the Enterprise in ST:TNG. There's one episode where Picard gets trapped with a few kids during a ship-wide emergency, and they are pretty freaked out. By the end they all learn bravery and teamwork, yadda yadda, but it's like, what the fuck? This ship and crew are constantly in danger, all those kids are going to be FUCKED UP. I don't know if they even bothered to offload the families when they went up against the Borg -- or back in time!

Back to the subject at hand: the problem with the SW galaxy is clearly WAY TOO MANY QUASI-RELIGIOUS WARRIOR CULTS! Mandalorians, Jedi, Sith, I'm sure there's probably a few other weird little groups out there -- and they are all founded on the induction of children in militaristic order as early as possible. I know that adopting foundlings is a big part of "present-day" Mandalorian culture, but I get the sense that they would (and still are?) reproduce sexually if there were enough of them and they had the stability & resources to support families. Even the helmet-fetishists*, although missionary-position would be a bit difficult so they would probably have to do it doggy-style (massif-style?), woman-on-top, reverse cowgirl (dewback-girl? bantha-girl?), etc. I don't know if the Jedi are better or worse for adopting/abducting other people's kids rather than making and indoctrinating their own. What about Sith, do Sith fuck? I don't know enough about Star Wars lore beyond the biggest media to make a guess. Although I think Kylo Ren would have been down to clown with Rey. Vader seems like kind of guy who liked to watch.

*I bet those helmets also make spouse-swapping and role-playing pretty easy and surprisingly guilt-free. OK, I'm thinking too much about this.
posted by Saxon Kane at 10:23 AM on April 25, 2023 [7 favorites]

The Mandalorthodox (SLJewishStandard)
posted by ricochet biscuit at 4:32 PM on April 26, 2023 [2 favorites]

“Did Tony Stark just traffic a minor across international borders for purposes of war?!?”

Well, to be very literal about it, it wasn't a real war, it was a meeting with an errant colleague to inform him of the error of his ways and hopefully avert anything really bad from happening. (Arguably, if Hulk and Thor had been there, and they'd taken opposite sides, it might have become a let's-not-kid-ourselves war.) But CA:CW did lean into the questionable ethics of dragging a teenager into something like that, a little, and Spider-Man: Homecoming leaned into it a lot, between what Peter thinks he can and should do, what Tony thinks of the same, and how things change up with repeated confrontations with the Vulture, all the way to the end when Tony offers Peter a spot in the Avengers and Peter decides, nah, I'm good. It's really what the movie's about. I suspect that S4 of this show might delve into some of that turf: how far and fast Grogu can reasonably be pushed, what his role will be as effectively a stereotypical glass-cannon caster, and even what he really wants--not necessarily that easy with someone whose total verbal vocabulary thus far consists of "yes" and "no", and that only when he's tooling around in what amounts to a somewhat-more-capable version of post-accident Christopher Pike's wheelchair.
posted by Halloween Jack at 9:41 AM on April 28, 2023 [4 favorites]

Kinda surprised no one metnioned the very subtle moment where Grogu seemingly reaches down with the force to the mythosaur. If anything at all in this series is telegraphing something it's Grogu taming a rancor so he can then tame the mythosaur and be a mythosaur riding force wielding mandalorian.

Pretty sure someone on metafilter posited in a thread that Djarin is not the title character, Grogu is.
posted by M Edward at 2:29 PM on May 1, 2023 [1 favorite]

> Pretty sure someone on metafilter posited in a thread that Djarin is not the title character, Grogu is.

Everyone is the mandalorian.
posted by pwnguin at 5:21 PM on May 1, 2023 [2 favorites]

If there's a running line through Star Wars, there are no engineers or safety consultants...

It struck me in the flashback scenes on Coruscant earlier in the season that not only do people drive around in drop in hovercars, but that they pull up at open ledges (no safety rail, natch) and jump up and over the side of the car to get on to the platform, which is below the level of the side of the car. It just seems obvious that people are going to be jumping over the wrong side of the car on a regular basis and plunging to city bottom.

I think there was another scene where to get into a Tie fighter you climb down a ladder to a tiny platform, open on all sides, then clamber over to the hatch on top of the ship, with drops to open atmosphere all around.
posted by biffa at 2:58 PM on May 16, 2023 [1 favorite]

"I'm coming in hot!"

Do you mind trying to miss the base? A fully stocked ex-Imperial base might turn out to be quite useful. Thank you for your sacrifice.
posted by biffa at 3:00 PM on May 16, 2023 [3 favorites]

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