Criminal Record: Carla
February 21, 2024 11:20 AM - Season 1, Episode 8 - Subscribe

Season finale. A wave of public outrage pushes Hegarty and June to work together before it's too late.
posted by ellieBOA (2 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
The final episode felt a little rushed to me, but I loved the two leads. And Errol had such a fantastic presence. The reunion between him and Patrick genuinely got me.

And I liked that, in the end, Hegarty maybe wasn't as corrupt as we thought in the beginning, but he was still knowingly corrupt.
posted by gladly at 6:28 PM on February 22, 2024 [1 favorite]

Yeah, I was going to say it felt like the whole "who shot ambushed Hegarty and Stefan" and "who clued them in" was sort of covered very briefly, in passing, but there was a lot of time for stuff we'd already figured out.

Overall, I sort of wish that we were left a little more up in the air about Hegarty in the first few episodes? It felt like they were failing to walk the line between him being "this is a decade old case", "this is a racially motivated followup" and a few other things. Like, they ended up with something where you didn't know if he was a good guy or a bad guy _accidentally_ instead of by virtue of something in the text.

Next season will be about Hegarty in the 90's, busting illegal raves. Were JNCOs a thing in the UK?
posted by Kyol at 7:13 PM on February 22, 2024

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