Ripley: LUCIO   Show Only 
April 9, 2024 7:38 PM - Season 1, Episode 5 - Subscribe

Dickie has a visitor.

And we catch up with the cat from the first episode.
Oh, and ketchup is red, like the splash of color we see at the end.

Vulture recap
posted by sylvanshine (5 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
That cat is majestic. I would like to know how much film it took to get all those gorgeous shots of the cat.

...Tom Ripley did some stuff too I guess. The show seems to be doing a good job with his point of view? He picks up one nice little thing for his apartment, and now it's tainted. And then he was kept up all night cleaning. Poor Tom.
posted by mersen at 8:03 PM on April 10, 2024 [3 favorites]

posted by surlyben at 10:32 PM on April 10, 2024 [3 favorites]

Tom Ripley absolutely comes over as the sort of character that pets would react badly to. Part of the show’s appeal is that he maybe a little lazy, restless and ill-at-ease to succeed as a grifter. Everybody looks at him with distrust; not just the cat!

Same screenplay writer as Schindler’s List, in case that strategic flash of colour reminded you of anything.
posted by rongorongo at 2:52 PM on April 18, 2024 [1 favorite]

Cutest foreshadowing of the cat & mouse game to come!
posted by edithkeeler at 7:14 AM on January 10 [1 favorite]

Tom Ripley absolutely comes over as the sort of character that pets would react badly to. Part of the show’s appeal is that he maybe a little lazy, restless and ill-at-ease to succeed as a grifter. Everybody looks at him with distrust; not just the cat!

And yet! Their prejudices, at times unique to the character, at other times reflecting the larger society, really do help Ripley get away with a lot! So many people just barely miss him because they don't trust the opinion of a woman, or perceive him as harmless.
posted by ishmael at 8:25 AM on January 10 [1 favorite]

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