All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite: June 5, 2024
June 5, 2024 6:31 PM - Season 5, Episode 36 - Subscribe

Tonight from Colorado, MJF kicks off the show in style, Wheeler Yuta returns from injury for a 4-on-4 with CMLL stars, Saraya and Mariah May get a make-good, and Swerve Strickland is a fighting champ.

The card for tonight:
MJF Returns to Dynamite
International Title Contender 4-Way: Rey Fenix vs. Orange Cassidy vs. Kyle O’Reilly vs. Jay Lethal
TNT Championship Contender Match: Mark Briscoe vs. Brian Cage (winner gets TNT Title Ladder Match at Forbidden Door)
Mariah May vs. Saraya
8-Man Tag Match: Blackpool Combat Club vs. "Team CMLL" (Magnus, Volador Jr., Rugido, and Esfinge)
AEW World Championship Match: Swerve Strickland (c) vs. Roderick Strong

posted by The Pluto Gangsta (2 comments total)
I tuned in late so I'm watching the live feed then I'll catch up later. It's been a little while since I joked about how much the women's booking leans into yuri storylines -- and this is not a criticism, just an observation. Last time it was when Saraya seemed ready to play the jealous closeted girl, but Ruby Soho turned out to be hetero (and pregnant!) But now that Forbidden Door has booked Toni Storm vs. Mina Shirakawa -- the two most important women in the life of Toni's "child" Mariah May -- against each other, we get the tableau of Mariah falling to her knees, trying in vain to hug both women while they stare daggers at each other. Good luck keeping this TV-14, bookers!
posted by The Pluto Gangsta at 6:49 PM on June 5, 2024

Lukewarm take: It's time to break up, or severely reshuffle, the Undisputed Kingdom. Roderick Strong is just too good for the crowd to accept him as a heel. Maybe it worked when Adam Cole was being skeezy right next to him -- and what's going on with Cole anyway? -- but Strong's work as an in-ring performer is too clean, too exciting.
Jettison Cole from the group, reunite Kannelis with his wife Maria, maybe import her two boychiks from ROH as well, and let the (new) Kingdom be the midcard heels that they already basically are.

Swerve retains after a good fight, so no surprise it will still be him vs. Ospreay at Forbidden Door. The only question is whether Ospreay will still have the International title?
posted by The Pluto Gangsta at 7:07 PM on June 5, 2024

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