Cats of Malta (2023)
August 21, 2024 11:05 AM - Subscribe

[TRAILER] A documentary journey through the island of Malta's colorful cat colonies, cafes, parks and streets to meet the volunteer feeders and artists whose lives are enriched by stray cats.

A documentary film in English by Australian director Sarah Jayne.

100% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes (though with only 8 reviews.

Many free streaming options available at its JustWatch listing.

paduasoy was kind enough to support MeFi with a donation. Their request was for six films about cats - with no cat death. I'll be using the tag #CatFilms.

People discuss a cat who died of old age, but honestly the saddest part is when the kitty park is forced to shutter.

Donate $25 or more to MeFi and you can MeMail me a request for a themed day of your own. I'll fill up the sidebar on FF with six movies that fit your theme.
posted by DirtyOldTown (1 comment total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
If you're a fan of Kedi this has a lot of similarities in feel.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 5:39 PM on August 22, 2024

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