Are there many people here on Trakt?
August 26, 2024 4:35 PM - Subscribe

Are there many people here on Trakt, or does everyone lean towards Letterboxd, or some other social media site for movie nerds?
posted by johnofjack (3 comments total)
I have a Trakt account, but only because Kodi uses it to keep lists of what you've watched and what shows you're following. I haven't checked out any of its other features.
posted by Harvey Kilobit at 9:37 PM on August 26 [1 favorite]

I use Trakt. Not so much for keeping track of my ratings, but to track the items on my watchlist that the Apple TV queue doesn't cover.
posted by Pronoiac at 12:33 AM on September 5 [1 favorite]

I wouldn't have seen half the movies I have if it weren't for letterboxd. The lists and the community are fantastic, and I've been enjoying keeping a log of the movies I watch, because my memory can be horrible and I watch a lot of movies. I think it takes a little tweaking, and a little work to really get the best out of it (browser extensions, following good thoughtful critics), but it's been the core of my movie-watching experience for a long time now.

Trakt however, I've tried a few times (mostly because I've tried to use its API for a few things), but I don't watch a lot of TV, its interface is so loud and cluttered compared to letterboxd, and the reviews are mostly unserious. I've never found it to be a big help.
posted by sunimplodes at 2:47 PM on September 11

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