Taskmaster: Series 18—the entire run. (Autumn 2024)
September 13, 2024 8:37 PM - Season 18 (Full Season) - Subscribe

The waiting is over! It's time once again to perform wacky random tasks to earn the appreciation of the Taskmaster, thereby being doled out valueless points so we can win a cheap likeness of the Taskmaster's head! ...Or, more accurately, it's time blablablah random tasks vicariously, by watching five unlucky comedians attempting said wacky shit, blablablah etc. Let's welcome to the stage: Andy Zaltzman! Babatunde Aléshé! Emma Sidi! Jack Dee! and Rosie Jones! Their time starts NOW!

And here's the YT link to Series 18, Episode 1: 'The Faceless Facilitators'. All the information they need is written on the task.
posted by not_on_display (15 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
They still got it. I found Rosie Jones' joy particularly infectious, and also enjoyed Emma Sidi's pretence of needling her ("Come onnn!"). Rosie evidently enjoyed these moments too.
posted by Paul Slade at 11:10 PM on September 13 [2 favorites]

I enjoyed the first episode. I hope that Emma and Rosie are on a team—I think they'll be fun together. Not sure if "winning" that first prize task was really much of a win, though... The lungs...
posted by synecdoche at 4:08 PM on September 14 [1 favorite]

Ooooh, Andy Zaltzman, of The Bugle Podcast?! I look forward to this.
posted by Pronoiac at 7:29 PM on September 14 [1 favorite]

I'm historically not a fan of Rosie Jones, whose humor is too crass for my taste. I told my husband that if she resisted the obvious interpretation of the prize task category maybe I'd revise my opinion, and she did, but then she came up with something worse than I imagined, so......... we'll see. Then again, I did laugh heartily at "because Alex is so boring." The others I don't really have established opinions on, and in general I'm attempting to reserve judgment and remember that everyone has the "who are these people and where are my friends" experience at the beginning of pretty much every season, and then it clicks a few episodes in! It hasn't clicked for me yet but we're also simultaneously rewatching 12, possibly the most lovable cast in TM history, so the "where are my friends" factor is strong.
posted by babelfish at 7:40 PM on September 14 [1 favorite]

I already like Big Hair Man, Man Who Went To Art School, Man Who Woke Up Grumpy, Detective Winks, and Overconfident Dirty Jokes Woman.

I also appreciate the general trend towards being a bit more kind to Alex.

I think the general incompetence displayed during the can task bodes well.
posted by Acari at 8:07 AM on September 15 [2 favorites]

Thank god the wait is over. I’m dying to make best friends with five new bumbling incompetents.

More seriously, I’ve been watching some of the international seasons (NZ is particularly good once they get up and running), and the editing staff for the UK version are astonishingly good at their jobs.
posted by Abehammerb Lincoln at 11:37 AM on September 15 [3 favorites]

I just finished NZ season 5 last week and was so excited to see that the UK season started! No need to wait for more Taskmaster!

The cans task made me legitimately lol (Emma's repeated perfect aim through the middle! The importance of staying on the spot!), and I was so pleased they caught Jack's throwaway "quite" because I was about to protest when they made it seem like they ended the task after he finally got the seal clue.
posted by paisley sheep at 8:58 PM on September 15 [2 favorites]

Enjoyed Episode 1. I really never clicked with last season's cast (still enjoyed it) but I knew Jack and Rosie from other things and Zaltzman is my instant favorite.

I was worried Rosie's disability would make it hard to compete on physical tasks but the can task quickly dispelled that, they're ALL equally terrible.

Rosie's humor doesn't usually work for me but her sheer joy has won me over like Jenny Eclair's in a previous season.

Favorite moment: Rosie trying to gleefully communicate "I just drank vinegar!" while simultaneously trying to swallow vinegar...

Jack is already frustrated and I'm looking forward to him going insane by the end of the series.
posted by mmoncur at 5:38 AM on September 16

I really like Rosie Jones; I was wondering how they'd tailor the format so thqat the playing level is even, and I think they're maintaining a good balance so far: the tasks that require a lot of movement don't seem like timed tasks; and, the timed tasks don't require speed, and given TM's track record of treating the guests with dignity (even in the form of humor, and even if the guests themselves break down) I feel pretty confident they won't make things uncomfortable. We also noticed that the studio panel is sitting in chairs with armrests this season, and we're guessing it's so Rosie can stand up as easily/quickly as any of the other panelists.

To us, we found it funny to see contestants that reminded us of past contestants: Jack Dee = Al Murray (with some Stewart Lee energy. I wish Stewart will be a contestant one day.) Emma Sidi is obviously Katy Wix's parallel universe younger sister: so far they have very similar body postures and facial expressions, and while their field uniforms couldn't be more opposite to one another's, their studio clothes could have been from the same closet.

And my partner noticed that Rosie's studio jumper was the same exact same one as TM-NZ's Hailey's field-task outfit.

(I'm enjoying this most recent TM-NZ season too; we're currently in the middle of that series, and Jeremy and that cast seem very kindly (and the guests panelists are a treat), and there's less bullying of Paul, too, much like this cast of TM-UK is treating Alex kindly so far.)
posted by not_on_display at 8:20 AM on September 16 [1 favorite]

And my partner noticed that Rosie's studio jumper was the same exact same one as TM-NZ's Hailey's field-task outfit.

I was just coming here to say that! Though I think it's less "jumper" and more like "coveralls" but in any case, its the same.

I’m dying to make best friends with five new bumbling incompetents.

I love this summary.
posted by jessamyn at 12:18 PM on September 16 [2 favorites]

There's a thing I always wonder about, but would find a pain to track down, is whether there's a relationship between studio banter and how quickly I enjoy the panelists. Like some seasons... I dunno, either it felt like Alex and Greg were pulling teeth or the panelists just weren't up for it, but when they're teasing each other and remembering that they're comedians (mostly), I think I enjoy the show more than when the panel is just there for the tasks?

And this season has started out just fine, that way. Emma teasing Rosie, Andy ribbing himself, Jack Dee being Jack Dee, good times all around.
posted by Kyol at 12:52 PM on September 16 [1 favorite]

I dunno, either it felt like Alex and Greg were pulling teeth or the panelists just weren't up for it, but when they're teasing each other and remembering that they're comedians (mostly), I think I enjoy the show more than when the panel is just there for the tasks?

I have not yet watched this one but I agree completely.

Interaction between the contestants is essential for a great season, be it backing each other up when they think Greg is judging unfairly or selling out the front-runner for that extra point.
Bonus points if one contestant absolutely gets under the skin of another and the Alex/Greg just let it happen.
posted by madajb at 7:50 PM on September 16

Jack Dee = Al Murray (with some Stewart Lee energy.

I would have sworn he’s already done TM!

Fun first episode, new incompetent friends yes!
posted by ellieBOA at 10:22 AM on September 17 [1 favorite]

And my partner noticed that Rosie's studio jumper was the same exact same one as TM-NZ's Hailey's field-task outfit.

I noticed this too! It's the Lucy and Yak Ragan jumpsuit if you're feeling inspired (or planning a Halloween costume).

Incidentally, if you're not already asking all your friends what their tasking outfit would be, I recommend it as a topic of conversation (one of my friends picked a Lucy and Yak jumpsuit in a different print).
posted by babelfish at 5:22 PM on September 17 [1 favorite]

...that one montage when the task is not to say anything while reading the task, and to look into the camera and not smile—punctuated by the waves of uncontrolled laughter...
posted by not_on_display at 10:25 PM on September 17 [1 favorite]

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