AEW Collision: September 14, 2024 (& Rampage Sept. 13)
September 15, 2024 5:40 AM - Season 2, Episode 14 - Subscribe

FTR and the Grizzled Young Veterans finally throw hands at each other, Yuka Sakazaki returns from injury to face Serena Deeb, Jack Perry defends against Christopher Daniels (!?), plus several talent making double appearances this weekend.

RAMPAGE - September 13

The Conglomeration (Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe & Kyle O’Reilly) defeated The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds & John Silver)
Now that The Outrunners are popular enough to turn face, and the Undisputed Kingdom are serious again, I suppose the Dark Order is back to being the comedy heels who never win. I had hoped that when they actively rejected Hangman Page earlier this week, it was the start of something changing for them?
Kamille defeated Robyn Renegade

Roderick Strong defeated Beef
"The crowd chanted “Beef!” whenever Beef hit a forearm. Beef hit Strong with a dropkick heading into the commercial break. After a long commercial break, we return to Beef pummeling Strong and the crowd firmly behind Beef. Beef hit a bulldog for two. Beef went to the top, but Strong caught him with a kick and perplexed him off the top for a near fall. Huge pop for Beef kicking out. Beef caught Strong with an avalanche, then went to the floor to save Henry from a beating from Taven and Bennett. Beef got back in the ring and ran right into a knee from Strong, and Strong got the pinfall."
The Righteous, Vincent and Dutch, cut a promo. They’re looking for the House of Black.

Saraya & Harley Cameron defeated Marti Belle & Allysin Kay
"Saraya and Cameron worked over the less-experienced Belle. The fight went to the floor, where Saraya whipped Belle into the ring barricades. Belle finally got the tag to Kay, who mounted a brief comeback. Cameron caught Kay with the Soul Food and a flying knee, but Saraya had gotten the blind tag so Cameron couldn’t get the pinfall. Saraya then hit the Nightcap on Kay for the pinfall. After the match, Jamie Hayter ran in (fresh from the 70s, based on her outfit) and floored Cameron with a forearm. Saraya ran out through the crowd."

Allysin Kay on my TV! Pinkies UP!
Konosuke Takeshita (w/ Don Callis) defeated Action Andretti (w/ Leila Gray and Lio Rush)
"Andretti countered a powerbomb with a rana for a near fall. Takeshita and Andretti stayed one step ahead of each other in a neat exchange that finally ended with Andretti missing a standing shooting star press. Andretti hit a shotgun dropkick out of the corner that Takeshita completely no sold. Takeshita hit a blue thunder bomb for a near fall. (Really, that should have been the finish –or lead directly to the finish– after the convincing no-sell from Takeshita). Andretti came back with a top rope rana. Andretti did a springboard right into a forearm from Takeshita. Running knee and a spinning falcon arrow finished off Andretti and Takeshita got the pinfall."
COLLISION - September 14

AEW TNT Championship MatchJack Perry (c) defeated Christopher Daniels
"A simple TV win for Perry. I understand Daniels going for a measure of revenge against the Elite, but what are we doing here? Is Daniels still the Vice President? Is this power struggle still happening? Most importantly, would anyone care if this aspect of the Elite was dropped cold? It’s a bad story that would serve everyone better if they left it in the rearview. [...] After the opening exchanges, Perry took advantage with a rebound lariat. Perry held serve, scoring a nearfall off of a missile dropkick. Daniels got a cut on the top of his head but was able to catch Perry with an STO. He fired up, hitting another STO and a Death Valley Driver for a nearfall. An Angel’s Wings counter led to a pinning predicament that ended with Perry sending Daniels into the mat with force by holding onto the ropes on an O’Connor Roll. Perry hit the Glass Jaw knee to retain the title.
Hologram & The Conglomeration (Kyle O’Reilly & Mark Briscoe) defeated The Beast Mortos & The Premier Athletes (Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese)

"We got footage of Orange Cassidy & Chris Jericho at last night’s CMLL Anniversary show. Cassidy was in a trios match, while Jericho wrestled Mistico in the main event. After Jericho’s match, Cassidy helped Mistico fight off a Jericho & Big Bill post-match attack. Cassidy was with Renee Paquette for an interview but was quickly attacked by The Learning Tree."
Unfortunately, in that same show, WIllow Nightingale lost her CMLL Women's Championship to Zeuxis, so hopefully that gets used as material on Dynamite this week rather than just ignored.
Wheeler Yuta defeated Anthony Henry (w/ Beef)
"This was a good match, with Henry taking advantage of Yuta’s absentmindedness until he brought up Bryan Danielson. Yuta is going to be a pivotal part of this BCC implosion angle one way or another, so it’s good to see him get some TV wins in the meantime. McGuinness noted that Yuta forgot to tape his wrists, noting that he wasn’t in a good headspace and was forgetting details. Henry had control early on, hitting a double stomp. Yuta got hit with a forearm and attempted his rebound into the ring but fell to the floor instead. Henry dumped Yuta into the barricade with a suplex.

After a commercial, Henry scored a nearfall with an Air Raid Crash. Yuta was able to hit his rebound into the ring on the second attempt, scoring with a German suplex. Henry rocked Yuta with a knee, then caught Yuta on the outside with a running dropkick. Henry hit a top-rope double stomp in the ring for a nearfall. Henry mocked Bryan Danielson, which fired Yuta up. Yuta clubbered on Henry in the corner before hitting a dive to Henry on the floor. Yuta took Henry on a barricade tour around the ring and dropped Beef with a boot. Yuta drilled Henry with the hammer-and-anvil elbows and got the submission with the Cattle Mutilation."
Komander & Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) (w/Alex Abrahantes) defeated Jon Cruz, Lord Crewe & Ren Jones

Yuka Sakazaki defeated Serena Deeb
"...After the break, Sakazaki made her comeback, scoring with a missile dropkick and a suplex. May kept assuming that Sakazaki was a child. Deeb hit a German suplex and a short-arm clothesline for a nearfall. Sakazaki fought out of a Detox position and hit a sliding lariat for a nearfall. Deeb hit a powerbomb and locked on a Stretch Muffler. Sakazaki got to the ropes and got back to her feet, trading forearms with Deeb until Deeb dropped her with a lariat. Deeb went for Detox, but Sakazaki pulled her up into a Northern Lights Bomb. Sakazaki hit the Magical Girl Splash for the win. After the match, May jumped Sakazaki on the ramp. May went for the Storm Zero, but Sakazaki fought out and dropped her with a superkick. Sakazaki held up the Women’s Title belt as the crowd chanted her name."
Bang Bang Gang (Juice Robinson, Austin & Colten Gunn) defeated Cage Of Agony (Bishop Kaun, Brian Cage & Toa Liona)
"Kaun cut off Austin Gunn with a lariat to take control after the opening exchanges. After a commercial, Colten got the hot tag and ran wild, scoring a nearfall with a jumping chop to Liona’s head. The referee missed a small package trying to clear the ring, allowing Liona to hit a Pounce. The Pendulum Powerbomb from Cage of Agony got a nearfall broken up by Robinson. Austin low-bridged Cage as he hit the ropes, allowing Colten to drop both Gates with a DDT. Robinson tagged in and ran wild on Cage. Cage countered The Juice Is Loose and hit a discus lariat, running wild on all three of his opponents. Another pendulum powerbomb got cut off, with the Gunns hitting Cage with the 3:10 To Yuma. Robinson hit The Juice Is Loose to get the win."
Queen Aminata defeated Robyn Renegade
"Aminata vs. Deeb can be a solid feud to get Aminata some focus. Renegade gave a solid effort in her hometown, but Aminata scored the win with the Brain Drain headbutt. After the match, Serena Deeb jumped Aminata after the match with a chop block. Deeb held Aminata in a single-leg crab until the referee corps forced her away."
FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) defeated Grizzled Young Veterans (James Drake & Zack Gibson)
"...After the commercial, the Veterans had control of Harwood, hitting another flurry of offense to keep Harwood from making the tag. Harwood made the tag, but Gibson took the referee’s attention to keep the tag from being registered. Harwood ducked a leg lariat and made his way to the corner for the legal tag, allowing Wheeler to run wild. Drake countered a powerslam into a small package for a nearfall. Gibson snuck a tag, holding Wheeler in place for a Drake enzuigiri. They went for Grit Your Teeth, but Harwood pulled Drake out of the ring. We got a pinning predicament, ending with Drake cutting off a spike piledriver and Gibson hitting a hammerlock driver.

Wheeler cut off a Doomsday Device, allowing Harwood to lock on a Sharpshooter. Drake submitted, but the Veterans kept brawling with FTR after the match. The Outrunners came out to make the save for FTR and shook hands with them afterwards. This was an odd result. The Grizzled Young Veterans just came in, and FTR are bulletproof as a team. Why put them over instead of the new team? This was a solid match, but it felt like they were holding back for another match."
posted by The Pluto Gangsta
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