Only Connect: Uisge Beathas v Crunchers
September 30, 2024 11:08 PM - Season 20, Episode 8 - Subscribe

Three whisky drinkers take on three number crunchers this week, all seeking the link between apparently random clues. For example: Black (from Australia), Bewick’s and Whooper – what do they have in common?
posted by Carillon (2 comments total)
The Roman numeral question was a bunch of fun, I didn't get it, but loved it when it was explained. I did get rob peter to pay paul at rob and peter, but the fact that they ignored it made me think I was mistaken. I'm still not sure what dark place Kyle Macdonald's name lives, but when I saw that and swap I knew that was a paperclip, funny how the brain works.

The connecting walls didn't seem to give either team much trouble, I do like that meaning missing vowels will actually matter. Finch was a fiendish clue though, who remembers that as a movie at all!
posted by Carillon at 11:12 PM on September 30

Finch was a fiendish clue though, who remembers that as a movie at all!

Tom Hanks repairs a wind turbine. How can anyone forget that?
posted by biffa at 8:14 AM on October 1

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