Only Murders in the Building: Blow-Up
October 2, 2024 12:54 AM - Season 4, Episode 6 - Subscribe

The Brothers Sisters are in focus this time, or rather, are doing the focusing, because the episode is structured as a documentary made by them about being suspected of murder by our podcasting sleuths.

The recappers have had varying responses to Blow-Up:

‘Only Murders In The Building’ Just Gave Us Its Most Creative Episode Ever by Erik Kain.
Only Murders In The Building needs to stop relying on lazy coincidences by Saloni Gajjar.
Keep Shooting by Tom Smyth.

Personally, I think this is one of the funniest episodes of the show ever, so I was thrilled.

Sarah Shachat had an interesting article on IndieWire about how the episode was shot.
posted by Kattullus (6 comments total)
This was such a fun episode. The scene with the Brothers sisters in the black swan costumes eating lunch at high school killed me!
posted by fimbulvetr at 6:00 AM on October 2 [1 favorite]

Only mirrors in the building update: If anything was going to justify that giant reflective surface in Richard Kind's apartment, it sure seemed like it would be this episode! But Howard's POV wasn't really shot by him (nor using that camera), so it had to continue avoiding all the angles that would reveal otherwise (which made the shot entering the apartment look a bit tricky to navigate).

So the mystery of that mirror is still unsolved, and the only reasonable explanation I see is, still, that Richard Kind murdered everybody everywhere.

(Oh, and if it turns out Richard Kind has a twin with his patch on the other eye, that wouldn't be too surprising. Probably came from the mirror.)
posted by nobody at 6:29 AM on October 2 [1 favorite]

It hops.
posted by We had a deal, Kyle at 9:22 AM on October 2 [2 favorites]

This may have been my favorite episode of the whole series thus far.
posted by kyrademon at 12:40 PM on October 2

I loved this episode too! Some things in particular I liked:

* Howard's terrible camerawork.

* The Brothers Sisters' documentary being a Hulu production.

* Bev Melon: Yes, I just came back from the hospital, and Zach has asked me to send all of you a little tiny message saying, "The show must go on!"

cut to Zach Galifinakis: I told her I wanted out of the film. Then, she threatened to sue me. Then, she pulled the tube out of my arm and sucked the pain meds out of the IV bag like a fսck¡n' Capri Sun!

Bev Melon: Oh, yes, and now-- Heather, um, please, I need you to all sign a waiver releasing me of all liability. She'll give you pens, if we could do that. And I'm feeling just a little bit tired, so I'm gonna take a quick cat nap. Snappy little nap.

* Oliver: You know, Rob Reiner once cut my brakes, Thelma-and-Louise-ing me into the Potomac and stole The Princess Bride from me.

*Detective Williams: I had one request. One fսck¡n' request! Do not let anything happen to Galifianakis!
posted by creepygirl at 4:14 PM on October 2 [2 favorites]

They had me at "Pygmalion's Defeat" and the book to the nose. So much great art film wankery. So much film school angst. So much sarcastic Howard.

I was surprised there weren't more references to Antonioni's "Blow-Up" outside of the title, but I recently rewatched that and turns out it was about 75% aloof 60's misogyny by weight, so maybe that's for the best. It would have been funny to throw in a mime or two, though.

I especially loved the contempt for 720p.
posted by phooky at 6:01 AM on October 3 [2 favorites]

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