My So-Called Life: In Dreams Begin Responsibilities
October 14, 2024 5:24 PM - Season 1, Episode 19 - Subscribe

This is the post to discuss the series as a whole if you'd like.
posted by edencosmic (2 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I haven't watched MSCL since it aired, but my brother was obsessed with it (more specifically Claire Danes). We only had one TV in the house, so we would have to be strategic about who got to watch what when. I remember once we were planning out the TV schedule and my dad - who never really bothered to learn the names of friends, tools, food, or anything really - asked if my brother would be watching "It Sucks to Be Me" on a particular night. Close enough, dad, close enough.
posted by sacrifix at 8:50 AM on October 15, 2024 [7 favorites]

I'm still only halfway through my rewatch and took a sidebar to rewatch Romeo + Juliet for the first time since release. Ho-boy that movie is a mess but Danes somehow keeps her side of things under control.

I'm finding that, similar to my rewatch of Daria, I'm agreeing with the parents more than the teens now - Yes Mrs Morgendorfer, Daria *is* being a mopey cynic about everything - so when Danielle dressed up as Angela for the Halloween episode it just landed perfectly.
posted by Molesome at 8:53 AM on October 22, 2024

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