All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite: October 16, 2024
October 17, 2024 8:11 AM - Season 6, Episode 3 - Subscribe

Dynamite returns to Wednesday as new champion Jon Moxley makes it clear no one is safe. Shelton Benjamin makes his AEW debut, Adam Cole & MJF reset a storyline, Mercedes Moné defends her TBS title, and a lot of tag teams get air time.

(Play-by-play quotes from Wrestling Observer)

"AEW Dynamite comes on the air with footage of the BCC leaving WrestleDream after Jon Moxley won the AEW World Title. While driving off, Moxley said he’s the only one responsible. [...] He hates what AEW has become, egos out of control, dancing and partying when there’s no need for it. Moxley will burn down the forest to build a new one, they will do what has to be done in order for there to be a better future."
I can't help but think that half of Moxley's dialogue in this promo came from swiping comments from smart-mark wrestling websites, because it sounds precisely like the lunk-headed criticism of Cornette fans who think wrestling can be only one thing. Ending the segment on Wheeler Yuta's pensive expression is a good way to keep his conflicted soul in the conversation.
Adam Cole Returns to Dynamite
"It makes Cole sick that these young guys look at MJF and think that’s a path to success, despite it being a path of failure and loneliness. [...] Cole said MJF can run, but he can’t hide and promises when he gets his hands on MJF, he’ll get the ass beating of a lifetime and wish they never met."

Last year, it was a combination of the MJF/Cole tag team getting unexpectedly over, Cole's ill-timed injury, and MJF's burgeoning film career that meant the feud never got the blow-off it was supposed to have. Relighting the fire now is a risk. Although it's kind of funny to me that all of MJF's major feuds the past few years have been with "guys who used to be in Ring Of Honor, got big in WWE, then came to AEW" -- Cole, CM Punk, Samoa Joe...
FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) defeated Big Bill & Bryan Keith
"Wheeler & Bill tag in with Bill using his size easily to his advantage. Wheeler escapes Snake Eyes, fires off a dropkick, as Bill is ping ponged between FTR, until Bill manages a Boss Man Slam to gain control into break. Harwood made the hot tag when things returned as a short arm lariat flattened Keith, but Bill no sold his and dropped Harwood with one of his own. Harwood fought off a powerbomb, allowing Wheeler to fly off the top with a cross body. Bill avoided Shatter Machine and hit a Last Ride on Harwood and launched Wheeler over the top. Keith made the tag and hit the Diamond Dust into a Bill Big Boot for two in a nice sequence. Wheeler hit a Tornado DDT off the apron outside on Bill, as back inside, double drop downs from FTR led to a Shatter Machine on Keith for the win.

It’s nice to see FTR back on Dynamite, as their friendship with The Outrunners will hopefully lead to something. Floyd & Magnum again got a massive reaction and it leads me again to say, they need to put the tag titles on The Outrunners, even for a little while."
Mercedes Moné (w/Kamille) defeated Queen Aminata to retain the TBS Title
"Aminata immediately became distracted by Kamille at the bell, allowing Moné to try a springboard arm drag, but Aminata put on the brakes and mocked Moné. After an exchange of pin attempts, Aminata caught a cross body into a fall away slam. Kamille saved Moné from the baseball slide, so Aminata popped her with a headbutt. The distraction again was enough for Moné to slam Aminata into the steps and hit a Meteora into commercial. It was all Moné during break, until Aminata mounted a comeback with a rolling Air Raid Crash for two. Almost a Code Red from Aminata got another two, as did a violent swinging fisherman’s neckbreaker. After folding up Moné like a pretzel, Aminata hit a rolling cradle for another near fall. Taking too long to follow up, Moné hit a Meteora out of the corner until an awkward looking backstabber led to the Statement Maker for the submission."
"The Elite are backstage and Jack Perry said they need to handle business before going out there tonight, as today, is Kenny Omega’s birthday. Perry said he understands Omega has had 20 feet of his intestines removed after they laid him out. They showed a birthday cake saying Happy Birthday Kenny on it until Perry dumps some intestines onto it. Okada says Happy Birthday, Bitch, as Perry tells Omega to get well soon, or die, he doesn’t care."
Oh I very much hope this all means we're getting Kenny and Ibushi back soon, as Don Callis is about to put forward Lance Archer and Brian Cage as a tag team.
The Conglomeration (Orange Cassidy, Kyle O’Reilly & Rocky Romero) defeated The Elite (Kazuchika Okada, Matthew & Nicholas Jackson) via disqualification
"Action packed party match that looked to be having a finish when The BCC put a stop to that quick. The path of destruction continued for Moxley and company, as I enjoyed this story of The Elite being cowards and choosing to do nothing for the time being. It’ll be interesting in seeing which alliances form to try and combat, no pun intended, the Blackpool Combat Club."
Shelton Benjamin (w/MVP) defeated Lio Rush (w/Leila Grey)
"Rush had a lot more hope spots in this one than he did his TNT Title match with Jack Perry last month. That said, Benjamin looked very good (minus the Flatliner) in his debut and the crowd was into it. Benjamin got to show off his size advantage and Rush was the perfect opponent to do that. We’re getting Benjamin vs. Swerve soon. [...] MVP gave his business card to Rush in the post-match."
Don Callis Family Press Conference
"Callis said The Alpha and himself are going to every corner of the globe to defend the International Title. Takeshita said he’ll defend his title all over the world and if you want it, come take it. Fletcher said all he’s heard is Why, Kyle, Why? That’s the problem, everyone wants to talk Will Ospreay when Don Callis’ Family is having its biggest night in history. Fletcher won’t say why he did what he did, too bad and Callis said The Family has never been stronger than today."
Christian Cage (w/Nick & Mother Wayne) defeated Switchblade Jay White (w/The Bang Bang Gang)
"Much slower paced match initially, as it didn’t kick into gear until the overrun was underway. Overall, it was an ok main event, as the finish was odd, and was if Sabian & [Hangman] Page jumped the gun on their interference and they just had to run it back again after another few minutes of action. Regardless, the Switchblade & Page feud is not over and I continue to be confused by just what exactly the Sabian & Cage storyline leads to."
posted by The Pluto Gangsta (1 comment total)
MJF: "You ruined my life and destroyed my ability to trust, everything awful I've done is thanks to you"
Adam Cole: "You're going to wish we never met!"

Me: I mean, I think...he already does? Like I'm pretty sure he just said that, bro.

I'm not as sour on the closing of this cooled-off storyline as a lot of people but the writing of that promo was pretty trash.
posted by We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese at 9:34 AM on October 17 [2 favorites]

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