Doctor Odyssey: I Always Cry at Weddings (CW: suicide)
November 18, 2024 7:36 AM - Season 1, Episode 6 - Subscribe

When a wealthy family charters The Odyssey for a weeklong wedding cruise, all eyes are on the "bridezilla" as she wreaks havoc on board. Amid the chaos, love and lust manage to find their way through the air with sparks flying among the crew.
posted by maryellenreads (4 comments total)
I really expected them to go with the "oops, a sea captain did the rehearsal so now you're married for reals" trope in this one.
posted by maryellenreads at 7:37 AM on November 18, 2024 [1 favorite]

Also where I expected it to go, with hi-jinks to follow. They really buckle you in for a medical-emotional roller coaster on this show. My guess is that Captain Massey isn't reporting medical events to the CDC as per federal guidelines, because they are surely an outlier among similarly sized vessels! I don't even know if this show is 30 or 50 minutes long, it's so whiplash.
posted by cocoagirl at 10:45 AM on November 23, 2024

This was most tonally weird episode of TV I've ever watched. The ramping up the sad music for an extended suicide sequence in the Loveboat with Doctors was strange enough, but then following it up with a ten minute lead up to a three-way was just... odd. Sometimes I feel like there was an arc to the season at one point (maybe in the first couple drafts of the scripts?) but then someone decided to chop up all the scripts, throw them in a hat, and now each episode consists in pulling for our five plot elements and mashing them together in a themed-week. Because I'm in the UK I have to wait till Thursday to get any idea if anything that happened this week will have any consequences. My guess is no, but maybe it will?
posted by nangua at 5:00 PM on November 24, 2024


Storytelling turned to good use! "Can I get your Instagram handle?"

Does everyone on a ship have mystery STD rash?

"I'm a very busy doctor, as you can see."

"Laxative, prunes and prayers."

"The powers given me by Poseidon and Davy Jones"-
"I OBJECT! I've always wanted to do that."

"A duck having a gay affair with his best man."

Welp, bride is a bitch. "You and Eric are a perfect match. Good luck tomorrow." LOLOLOLOL.

"I know I've been an evil sea witch all week, and y'all didn't deserve that."

Phillipa Soo can't take non-musical life?


Look, there were two reasons I decided to watch the show: the threesome being one of 'em. And here it is! Buzzkilled by a suicide notice.
posted by jenfullmoon at 6:33 PM on January 12

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