Somebody Somewhere: Full Season
December 9, 2024 5:30 PM - Season 3 (Full Season) - Subscribe

Sam’s friends seem to be finding their way in life, with new relationships, or in the case of Sam’s sister, newly single. But where does that leave Sam?
posted by larrybob (9 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
I *just* finished watching this third and final season and it was SUCH AMAZING TV. Sam is such a relatable character to me. And the guy who plays Brad got some beautiful, subtle scenes this season. When Sam encourages him to sing his song to Joel!!!! I laughed I cried it was incredible art.
posted by LittleLadybug at 11:47 PM on December 9, 2024 [6 favorites]

You guys, I really hope you want to talk about Somebody Somewhere, because I have been *waiting*!
posted by LittleLadybug at 11:48 PM on December 9, 2024 [3 favorites]

I didn’t want this show to end but we watched the series finale and it was perfect. Like I can only think of a few shows that have been as perfect as this one. Not a single bad episode, so many wonderful characters, so many times that I laughed out loud.

Things I loved about the finale:

-Tricia going over to Iceland’s house and ripping into him for not appreciating her beautiful, kind, wonderful sister (and then him telling her it’s Sam who didn’t call him back, not the other way around).
-Tricia confronting Sam (kindly) about her rejection of Iceland and asking her why she makes things hard for herself.
-Joel reminiscing about how she had initially told him he might want to reconsider “getting on this ride” with her because she didn’t think she could be a good friend; then telling Sam how much he values their friendship and that she is his person.
-Seeing Sam back at the dog shelter, volunteering. (I hope she finds her dog soon. But as my partner pointed out, now she has Iceland’s dog Walter in her life!)
-That phone call from Sam’s dad!
-The final scene in the bar with all her favourite people!

I’m going to miss this show. The sheer quality and amount of talent involved blows me away. I wish everyone would watch it.
posted by hurdy gurdy girl at 1:05 AM on December 10, 2024 [11 favorites]

First off: Absolutely love this show overall. Every character was written so incredibly well, and felt so real. Jeff Hiller got so much room to shine, and Tim Bagley (who usually steals scenes in much smaller parts) was such a wonderful, quiet presence. I love that they fleshed out the character of Tricia; in the first season I was afraid she'd be a one-note sister role, but it became so much more. And wow they *nailed* how sisters can be – so relatable!

I do have to say, I thought the finale itself seemed a bit rushed and not quite the same tone as the rest of the season. It felt like after watching three seasons of Sam verrrryy slowly pulling out of her slump, she suddenly made the turn in the last 15 minutes of the finale. Not to say I didn't love watching her be surrounded by people who already love her + one that probably soon will. But the bit where she was kinda messing with Brad while singing felt too much like Bridget Everett, not really Sam. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Bridget the cabaret singer/comedian. But I couldn't quite buy that *Sam* would have acted in the same way, especially with Brad. Maybe with Joel it would have made more sense.

I also wish that they had addressed her clear issues with drinking too much. It felt like they were going to in the beginning of the season, but then it seemed to get kind of dropped. I felt like that was a missed opportunity in terms of her realizing what it might be doing to her health, especially considering that they showed how reluctant/scared she was of seeing doctors, and that her doctor had some serious concerns. That and the problem she was having with her knee...that all got dropped.

But all in all, I'm looking forward to a full re-watch. And bring on more shows like this, please!
posted by Molasses808 at 4:22 PM on December 10, 2024 [1 favorite]

Wait, that was the SERIES finale? Dammit. There is still so much to explore, so much work for Sam to do for/on herself...

Although I guess this was always a show that left a lot to the imagination / left unexplored. (Her mom's health issues, her parents moving south, etc were handwaved away as things that happened over season breaks.)

A lot of times you think a show drags on too long; this one feels like they didn't give us enough.
posted by cinnamonduff at 8:04 PM on December 10, 2024 [1 favorite]

I agree it would have been good and realistic to address Sam’s issues with drinking. Tricia’s too, really.

I really liked the scene between Tricia and Sam in the finale, where Tricia *finally* recognizes and fully appreciates the way Sam took care of Holly. It bothered me from the first episodes that Sam seemed to be caregiving on her own for Holly. How could so many family members let her do that alone? I thought that situation explained a lot about Sam’s anger and resentment, whenever those emotions boiled to the surface.
posted by LittleLadybug at 10:28 PM on December 10, 2024

I loved this show; we were always on tenterhooks on Sundays waiting for it to hit Max. The Thanksgiving episode was the highlight of the season for me:

[Everyone’s being cheerful around the table, Tiffani and Irma are in love, Sam says a funny prayer]

Me: Ugh I hate when shows get too comfy and cozy. Where’s the drama??

[Susan starts grilling Brad about his children]

Me: No no no I take it back. Stop

[Sam asks Iceland out, takes his too-literal answer as a rejection, cries in the car]


[Sam gets home, Iceland is waiting for her]

Me: [sound of air hissing as I deflate into a puddle]
posted by ejs at 10:44 AM on December 12, 2024 [1 favorite]

I'm just happy Fred ditched Susan for that final gang get together.
posted by 2N2222 at 5:56 PM on December 18, 2024 [1 favorite]

Thoughts after bingeing all three seasons of this beautiful show:
- I agree that I wish drinking had been addressed a bit more directly. I liked that in the second season Joel & Sam established the no drinking nights, and a call back to that would have been nice.
- In an interview I watched, Tim Bagley, who plays Brad, said "we're not gorgeous young WB actors" or something to that effect. Watching this, I was struck by just how little that mattered. I was so captivated by the romances in particular. I was shouting at the screen during Sam's date with Iceland.
- I will always struggle with difficult sister relationships, and I really enjoyed the sort of balance of caring and growth that Sam and Tricia find in the end. Less sniping and more giggling. (Sam's silliness as a family coping mechanism was so real). I loved that Holly never turned up as a vision/hallucination or memory or anything - that's a choice many shows about recent grief make. But she was still so strongly a character in the story, and Sam and Tricia actively worked through conflicts with her.
- Sam's intense doubt and self loathing around romance in this season was in such stark contrast to her "fuck it" attitude to sleeping with the guy that Joel and his BF brought along on their outing back in Season 1. She was projecting a confidence back then and as she's become more vulnerable, she's had to reckon with the emptiness underneath. Her single tear on the bed in the hotel with Tricia was one of the most gut-wrenching things I've ever watched.
- I don't know why but they lost me a little in the beginning of season 2, so if anyone else is reading this and hasn't seen it all the way through, DEFINITELY DO. So worth it.
- Lastly, WTF SUSAN?!?!
posted by Isingthebodyelectric at 12:28 PM on January 15 [2 favorites]

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