The Amazing Digital Circus: Fast Food Masquerade
December 15, 2024 11:24 PM - Subscribe

Caine looks in the Suggestion Box he forgot they had, and pulls out an adventure that involves, simply, working in a fast food restaurant for a day. Gangle is appointed shift manager, a job she did in life before entering the Circus. Gangle is handed a new difficult-to-break happy mask by Zooble, but is it really okay to wear it?

Pomni is still a prominent character in this one, but the story is really about Gangle's issues.

Kinger doesn't participate in the adventure this time, but Zooble does.

As said in the previous episode, each character has specific issues. Ragatha is too nice to say how she really feels; Jax just likes messing with everyone; Gangle is shy and manic-depressive; and Kinger is just generally crazy. This episode plays with these roles. Ragatha spends nearly the whole adventure high on Stupid Sauce, Gangle is much more assertive as manager, Zooble is stable and helpful, and Jax absolutely loathes it. We really see a different side of Jax here, cowed into being a good worker under threat of punishment from Caine, he doesn't get to use his standard cartoon antics to handle problems or annoy the others.

Several NPCs from previous adventures show up as customers. There's Orbsman, who's from before Pomni's time. The Gloink Queen shows up with her brood, who each have names. And Gummigoo even appears with his brothers, to Pomni's surprise, but he doesn't remember anything about their past adventure.

Blink and you'll miss it: Caine's computer during Gangle's employee evaluation has the round C&A logo seen on the wall in the pilot episode. Could Caine have an Abel counterpart in the world of the Circus?
posted by JHarris (1 comment total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Zooble trying to use a spatula hand on the grill, getting burned, and using the spatula to hold another spatula made me laugh. Also, Ragatha has interesting hands.
posted by GenjiandProust at 4:05 PM on December 19, 2024 [1 favorite]

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