Silo: The Book of Quinn   Show Only 
January 3, 2025 11:17 AM - Season 2, Episode 8 - Subscribe

Juliette discovers something's happened to Solo. Bernard makes an offer to Walker. Lukas meets with Salvador Quinn's descendants.

Wikipedia summary:

Juliette gets the bends and has to dive again to recover. After surfacing, she is confronted by someone who shoots her with an arrow and says that they'll kill her just as they killed Solo. Juliette searches for her attacker and finds three young people. In Silo 18, Lukas tracks down Quinn's descendants and learns that they gave Quinn's copy of the Pact to Meadows years earlier. Bernard tells Lukas that Quinn destroyed Silo's records 140 years ago and drugged the water in order to make citizens forget their history, so to put a stop to the rebellions that had until then been occurring every 20 years. Using Quinn's Pact, Lukas starts decoding Quinn's letter. Sims, with Camille's help, learns that Lukas is investigating something for Bernard. Walker meets Bernard and agrees to be his informant in order to save Carla. As a result, a group of Mechanical who break into Supply are arrested by raiders. Billings' wife Kathleen learns that Billings saved a page of a picturebook from the before times and demands to see it.
posted by tjgrathwell (12 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
So I was completely faked out by Bernard's copy of the Wizard of Oz. The Pact always made the most sense, and it felt a little silly for Lukas to spend all that time going through all the books when the key was right there. Welp! Speaking of waste of time, were the very much foreshadowed bends really necessary? They felt like a way to burn some additional minutes and not much more. Am I full of complaints tonight? Maybe!

For the most part, with the slow wheeling in Silo 17, the events going on over in Silo 18 are just more interesting. Was Sims in on Camille's latest game of manipulation? Walker is totally going to pull one over on Bernard eventually, isn't she? Will the Sheriff ever leave the Down Deep?

Bernard's conversation about Quinn being the hero of the silo was interesting. Was there not a way to craft his legacy in a way where his descendants weren't left making wool for cleaning for about five generations? Lukas does not easily wear the weight of the crown, apparently, either.

Other people in Silo 17! Somewhat curious about how the idea of a bow and arrow came to fruition. You'd think the powers that be would have stamped down on information that would allow for the simple, but effective creation of ranged weapons.
posted by Atreides at 5:55 PM on January 3

i found this episode boring and frustating. nothing seemed to move forward much even with the "reveal" at the end i'm really getting tired of cliffhangers. and Juliette's bends seemed to be resolved very quickly. you think you're full of complaints? heh
posted by lapolla at 9:00 PM on January 3 [1 favorite]

Still enjoying the series, but can we get an episode where Juliette makes some progress or something and maybe not gets her ass kicked?
posted by jquinby at 9:45 PM on January 3 [2 favorites]

There are two more episodes. I'm a not surprised that there are [feral? kids] in Silo 17, but surprised that they were introduced so late in the season if they existed.

bow and arrow came to fruition

Yeah, atlatl or sling (or rock tied with a long string*) are more intuitive. A bow, not so much - so you're right that there must have been some knowledge dissemination event somewhere.

If we're reading waaay too much into it, the arrowhead wasn't barbed and only penetrated superficially so it's probably not a great bow.

*grade 4, so ... bored 9yo me could chuck stones far far beyond my strength, and with some accuracy. Twirl the rock around and let go the end of the string.
posted by porpoise at 10:16 PM on January 3 [2 favorites]

Adam Savage continues touring the art department of Silo and this week geeked out over the diving props. Juliette wore the masks in several days of underwater filming, so they had to actually function as diving masks, and the prop hoses are actually delivering oxygen (including the foot pump one!). Since they are made from suede that changes texture once it gets wet, props had to make many copies of it for filming dry-to-wet scenes. They used some clever tricks to combine hidden machine stitching for structural parts along with laser cut holes to align the decorative hand stitches so that the different copies look identical on screen.
posted by autopilot at 1:05 AM on January 4 [3 favorites]

Books still exist in Silo 17 - maybe they copied it from a picture?
posted by DangerIsMyMiddleName at 3:01 PM on January 6 [1 favorite]

Good point.
posted by Atreides at 5:27 PM on January 6

I think they had to do the bends because they had to have Juliette make an emergency ascent, and they didn’t want a bunch of divers talking shit about her not getting the bends. And it was “foreshadowed” because they had to explain the bends to people who don’t know about it.

My bigger problem was the visibility of that water. How many levels were under water? At least 50? I would expect that water to be full of junk and gunk. There should be stuff floating in the top, some will have settled, and the water itself would be toxic from all the chemicals and stuff in it. Or am I wrong? How would that water have looked after 40 years?
posted by LizBoBiz at 1:44 AM on January 17 [1 favorite]

A lot of levels for sure, but not too many to survive a free dive ascent. I would expect the visibility to actually be pretty good so long as the dirt/dust that had settled wasn't disturbed. The toxicity I assume would really depend on what's been leaking into the water over that time period. That wasn't really made clear.
posted by Atreides at 7:02 AM on January 17

I'm finding this show very rough going. I think the structural problem is Rebecca Ferguson being parked out of the action, basically alone. I mean Steve Zahn wasn't even on screen this episode and he was sorely missed. I was rooting for the feral kids to attack Juliette more just so she'd have another human being to interact with. Watching a completely implausible diving scene for minutes on end with her was just tedious.

All the other stuff back in Silo 18 is way more interesting. But it's lacking the star of the show. And there's an awful lot going on, I've kept track of all the power-behind-the-throne wives orchestrating action. (And for added complexity, to have one couple be two wives!)
posted by Nelson at 8:23 AM on February 6 [2 favorites]

If there was no Silo 18 action going on, like no mention of Silo 18, then Juliette and what's going on in Silo 17 wouldn't be nearly as bad, and might be more interesting for lack of competition to compare it against. The show definitely just felt off balance because of how things were setup this season.
posted by Atreides at 8:55 AM on February 6

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