Queer Eye: Full season 9
January 5, 2025 6:31 PM - Season 9 (Full Season) - Subscribe

Season 9 of Queer Eye finds the Fab Five in Las Vegas, and introduces their new cast member, Jeremiah, who's replacing Bobby from the first eight series.
posted by kitten kaboodle (9 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I like Jeremiah - he's cute and funny and enjoying this experience. I love love loved Bobby so I was unsure but he's good!
posted by jeoc at 7:12 PM on January 5 [1 favorite]

Jeremiah was great!

But overall, the vibe of this season felt off. Maybe it's just that it feels formulaic at this point or the candidates weren't as compelling as usual (although the first one, the former showgirl, was the best). I don't know. It just felt like everyone was going through the motions.

I watched all of it and I still cried. It just didn't feel the same to me, though.
posted by edencosmic at 3:55 AM on January 6

I still struggle with the show mostly being Rich Eye for the Poor Guy.
posted by prefpara at 6:44 AM on January 6 [4 favorites]

I enjoyed most of the subjects, and got teary eyed at a few. I don’t know, maybe I’m just easy, but I appreciated having it and it came at the right time for me. I really liked Jeremiah—that one scene where he was so overwhelmed with emotion and he kind of hid, and then asked Antoni if it always felt like that, warmed my heart.

Of course, this is MetaFilter so we always have to have the sneers, but I liked this season a lot. It felt like they gelled with the new person well, and they chose some interesting folks for the show.
posted by kitten kaboodle at 4:00 PM on January 6 [2 favorites]

Is Antoni still a god? It has been a hot minute since I watched an episode
posted by ginger.beef at 7:27 PM on January 6 [1 favorite]

Antoni is still a god! Though he didn’t seem quite himself, like he seemed a bit blue to me - did he recently go through a relationship ending?

I miss Bobby. He was so grounded. Jeremiah is fantastic. Love the heart he has for single moms, as the child of one himself.
posted by edithkeeler at 9:41 AM on January 7 [1 favorite]

edithkeeler, I’m 99% sure Antoni mentions a recent breakup in one of the episodes.

My favorite episodes were “Special Delivery” and “Mother’s Day Slay” - by which I mean “holy shit some husbands are shitbags, and we should shower everyone who was ever in relationship with them with gifts and TLC”.

(Husband here, hopefully not a shitbag one but if so, the above still applies.)
posted by FallibleHuman at 5:40 PM on January 8 [2 favorites]

I think this season felt a bit empty because the product placement has gotten really out of hand. There were seasons where they got so much more in depth with the issues and psychology of what the people were facing that in watching the candidates overcoming their struggles you could actually learn something about life. Now all they really have time for is "believe in yourself and have confidence". Nothing wrong with that, but it only scratches the surface. They are great guys, and fun to watch, but what kind of message can they get across when half the show is taken up by saying things like "thank god for prime". I mean, I love that the candidates are getting lots of free stuff; they are all clearly awesome people that need the help. It just feels off when they are trying to get someone to take ownership of their living space and make it their own, then it just gets redecorated with a whole bunch of bland fashionable things with seemingly no input from the person themselves. The woman who said black was her favourite colour? entire bedroom in beige. wtf? Maybe they did a lot of complex work with each of these candidates, but all of that ended up on the editing room floor in favour of "I called my friends at carfax"
posted by 5_13_23_42_69_666 at 5:56 PM on January 10

that being said yea the new guy is great, I liked Bobby, but I like this guy too
posted by 5_13_23_42_69_666 at 6:04 PM on January 10

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