Star Trek: Section 31 (2025)
January 25, 2025 11:42 AM - Subscribe

Philippa Georgiou, enlisted by the nefarious organization Section 31, is confronted by fallout from her past evil deeds.

This Star Trek movie (currently streaming at Paramount Plus) centers around the wisecracking but genocidal Philippa Georgiou, whom we first met in Star Trek: Discovery as the Empress of the Mirror Universe. Reviews have not been kind. Is this film a cool new entry that expands the Star Trek franchise, or is it a grotesque abomination that spits in the face of everything that's holy? You decide!
posted by jabah (40 comments total)
I wanted to give this piece a chance. The movie starts as a heist film, but eventually turns into a chopsocky action movie steeped in CGI. Which is fine—Mechelle Yeoh is the star, after all. At about the one hour mark, I stopped checking the remaining runtime and just went with the flow. It didn't so much win me over as wore me down. Yeoh looks fabulous, but when doesn't she? She's such a tiny, tiny woman in real life, but she has this huge screen presence. James Hiroyuki Liao's villain character suffers from perhaps too brief of a back story, but most villains have this problem. The film looks expensive, yet also tawdry. Nothing in it looks beautiful or engaging, and the direction lacks a coherent style or any polish. We really don't need shaky-cam when the characters are wearing jittery shield generators. And Rachel Garrett's appearance changed so much after the first few scenes that I did not realize she was the same character! Also, people pay attention to the starships in Star Trek, right? As they say about airplanes, "If it's beautiful, it will fly." One spaceship looks like the result of early AI, while the other looks like it was rescued from the set of Babylon 5 season 1. Almost none of the tedious humor in the film works—less would have been more. I did smile at the prominent three-tone musical theme, which was previously heard in Star Trek: First Contact, but goes all the way back to the Star Trek Sega arcade game from 1982.
posted by jabah at 11:51 AM on January 25 [5 favorites]

This.. this was staggeringly bad.

I was looking forward to this for so long and ugh.
posted by Faintdreams at 12:29 PM on January 25 [4 favorites]


I didn't go into it with high hopes (though I did go into it high, knowing the kind of movie it was gonna be), and somehow it failed to even meet my low expectations. It wasn't even entertainingly bad, like say what you want about something like Nemesis or Into Darkness, those were at least memorably bad. So much of Section 31 was big, dumb, and just plain forgettable. A dry fart of a movie.

Also am I the only one who picked up on the transphobic humor?

The entire character of Zeph. "Mecha dysphoria?" Really?!

posted by SansPoint at 12:34 PM on January 25 [4 favorites]

I gave up after about 20 minutes. Michelle Yeoh is amazing as always, so Section 31 might be of interest to her diehard fans. I can't recommend it for any other reason though.
posted by abraxasaxarba at 12:42 PM on January 25

I love Star Trek, and Michelle Yeoh is awesome, but I've had zero interest in this, so sick am I of Kurtzman-era Trek's fascination with shit like, well, Section 31. It was interesting in DS9, because that series was fully aware that something like Section 31 really shouldn't exist in Starfleet/The Federation, and Sisko & Bashir were trying to take it down from the inside. Also, it was totally plausible from what we saw in DS9 that Sloane was the only active member of Section 31, playing around with Bashir because he got off on the trappings and power and secrecy of it all. That was fun. Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds are the best Trek output of this era at least in part because they're the ones least engaging with this sort of thing and instead telling stories of how things could be better.

I imagine I might get curious enough to check this out eventually, but honestly right now I kinda hope it does poorly enough to move them off of telling cryptofascist stories in this universe.
posted by Navelgazer at 1:00 PM on January 25 [9 favorites]

I was open to the idea, especially exploring non-Federation civilization, but the writing is spectacularly poor.
posted by porpoise at 1:13 PM on January 25 [1 favorite]

re: Zeph, yeah it felt really lazy. So he's a furry crunchy in a suit. Would have been much more interesting if it was extreme cybernetic body modding.
posted by porpoise at 1:18 PM on January 25

Not a single redeeming quality. I apologised to my SO at the end but luckily she had slept through much of it.
posted by biffa at 2:39 PM on January 25 [1 favorite]

Put this in the same box I put Borderlands, which is the box marked "trying real hard to be Guardians of the Galaxy without understanding why Guardians succeeded"
posted by The Pluto Gangsta at 4:37 PM on January 25 [5 favorites]

So. Very. Bad.
posted by evilDoug at 6:52 PM on January 25 [1 favorite]

So many things to dislike about this, but what particularly galled me was the terrible direction. The director really liked that somersault-camera-flip move from Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves so he had to have a couple of those, executed poorly and for no reason. The action scenes were mostly incoherent.

Sam Richardson should get credit for almost making a couple of his lines funny.

What a horrendous waste of time, money, and good will.
posted by jimw at 8:58 PM on January 25 [5 favorites]

Ah, I think a cardinal point where everything went wrong was that this felt like it was directed at... adolescents? *

Like, Section 31 being "edgy" or something where within the context of Trek, 31 is taboo. They (tried to) Suicide Squad this thing.

Hah, Rachel Garrett's character - who I simply cannot remember the name of other than "Lieutenant Starfleet" - was plain up weird. Repressed arising or smth.

*"How do you do fellow kids?"
posted by porpoise at 4:36 AM on January 26 [3 favorites]

jimw That’s Olatunde Osunsanmi‘s… style, and it makes watching episodes of Discovery he directed rather frustrating as well. And I say that as a fan of Discovery.
posted by SansPoint at 7:00 AM on January 26 [1 favorite]

Basically just ducking in to see whether (a) someone who hasn't seen Discovery should watch this (I'm a bit of a Star Trek dilletante, obviously), and (b) whether it's any good. It would seem that the answer to b is no. I'll tell you what, though, the Star Trek brand swings hard -- yesterday the Paramount Plus app had this as their top streaming film, displacing Gladiator II! I don't know if people actually like the approach of modern Trek, or if it's just the name recognition factor. My guess is it's the second one.
posted by kittens for breakfast at 7:12 AM on January 26

Mrs Clanger and I managed about 20 minutes of it before she turned to me and asked what I thought of it.

"It's absolute shit" I responded. She then gave her own opinion, which was considerably harsher.

How many more episodes of Lower Decks could the money spent on this have funded?
posted by Major Clanger at 9:47 AM on January 26 [4 favorites]

(a) someone who hasn't seen Discovery should watch this

It'll make it harder to understand I would think, but there is a sort of catch up voiceover at the beginning and then some clunky exposition to fill in more holes in the first ten minutes. But aside from Michelle Yeoh's character everyone else is new to the franchise (except sort of one character, who is a bit of historical fan service that will be largely irrelevant to your enjoyment).

(b) Its not any good. Don't suggest watching it with someone else if you don't want to cringe.
posted by biffa at 10:16 AM on January 26 [1 favorite]

Tried to watch this yesterday and wow, no. The writing, the tone, the cast (at least Michelle Yeoh looked like she was having fun.) There's homage, and then there's wholesale lifting from better films. I got through about 20-25 minutes and clocked Hunger Games, Fifth Element, Star Wars, Pacific Rim, I could go on but I got bored. How are you gonna make Michelle Yeoh in those costumes dull!? What a mess.
posted by Space Kitty at 11:00 AM on January 26 [4 favorites]

The references to all those other films weren’t even very clever or self-conscious “winks” at the audience. So rather gratuitous.
posted by Insert Clever Name Here at 12:33 PM on January 26 [1 favorite]

It’s only redeeming moment was Jamie Lee Curtis getting a paycheck.
posted by nathan_teske at 7:00 PM on January 26 [3 favorites]

ha ha this movie sucks you guys
posted by DoctorFedora at 3:36 AM on January 27 [1 favorite]

hey what if we made no attempt whatever to make characters talk and have music in a way that sounds even vaguely like not-2024 at all

also instead of having engaging action scenes we can just shake the camera around and do some YouTuber zooms here and there
posted by DoctorFedora at 3:37 AM on January 27 [1 favorite]

this isn’t straight-to-streaming, this is straight-to-video
posted by DoctorFedora at 3:42 AM on January 27 [1 favorite]

Oh God, that awful Irish accent. How could they not have abandoned that idea the first time he opened his mouth?
posted by biffa at 8:27 AM on January 27 [2 favorites]

Trek Culture's Ups & Downs for Section 31... unlike in the film the Irish accent is real.
posted by nathan_teske at 10:23 AM on January 27 [1 favorite]

It really felt like a spec script for a non-Trek project that they reskinned. Georgiou doesn't act like the character we know. Section 31 is doing heist bullshit instead of black ops. The rest of the characters, locales, ships don't feel Trek-y.

My main gripe, though, is all the people were so terribly unlikeable. My son pointed out that Zeph and Fuzz were both allegedly comic relief, so one of them would have to go. Rachel Garrett was just insufferable except for the five minutes where she was excited about science. Even then she had to say the line "Chaos is my friend with benefits," and she should have got hazard pay for that.

When we hit the end and they did the "stay tuned for our future adventures!" thing, we laughed out loud. Why would you spend another minute wtih these guys?
posted by skullhead at 5:33 PM on January 27 [3 favorites]

What I wanted was a high-tech, cutting-edge set of Section 31 commandoes. What I got was:

A Vulcan skinsuit whose accent needs its own passport. And the galaxy's angriest stereotype.

Why send a Federation scientist to do a Federation lawyer's job?

His brain is in his other armor.

A Delt … oh, well.

Dr. Exposition.

A Man Out of Time

And Joyless Georgiou. From the … wait, The Hunger Games?

Khan wept, y'all. This is just not good.
posted by JustSayNoDawg at 5:53 PM on January 27 [1 favorite]

Put this in the same box I put Borderlands, which is the box marked "trying real hard to be Guardians of the Galaxy without understanding why Guardians succeeded"

Like, Section 31 being "edgy" or something where within the context of Trek, 31 is taboo. They (tried to) Suicide Squad this thing.

That's what this thing is--it's David Ayer's Guardians of the Galaxy.

I'm about two-thirds of the way through and will probably finish it tomorrow, but it's a chore.
posted by Halloween Jack at 7:33 PM on January 27

This doesn't even have the "I dare you to sit through the whole thing" masochistic fascination of the Star Wars Holiday Special.

It feels like an even more condescending, cringier appeal to the anti-woke than the Very Short Treks, and I found those generally insufferable.

Don't even hover over the play button on this one.
posted by CynicalKnight at 7:36 PM on January 27 [1 favorite]

I don't think it's as bad as Abrams-era Star Trek movies, but it is still very bad, in a sort of way that will still somehow manage to catch you off your guard if you watched through Discovery and Picard and thought that you had a grasp on how modern-day Star Trek could be bad
posted by DoctorFedora at 7:44 PM on January 27 [1 favorite]

kittens for breakfast, I think a significant proportion of the Paramount Plus subscriber base is people who only ever watch Star Trek titles on it. I know two such people myself, and my dad has watched all of Lower Decks at my house because he refuses on principle to pay for an entire streaming service just for Star Trek.

I've never even looked at what else is on Paramount Plus, honestly. But I'm definitely not alone and I think that's why they promoted this so heavily.
posted by potrzebie at 9:23 PM on January 27 [2 favorites]

This is absolutely without a doubt the worst Trek movie ever made, beating out Star Trek Into Darkness by lacking even that film's meager pleasures.

I buy every single piece of Trek on physical media. This is so odious that I'll be waiting until I can pick it up used, because I don't want to encourage Paramount at all (I pirated S31; I canceled Paramount Plus after they memory-holed Prodigy.)
posted by rhymedirective at 6:47 AM on January 28 [1 favorite]

Paramount in the UK seems basically to be Mission Impossible, Star Trek and multiple flavours of Kevin Costner's Jellystone.
posted by biffa at 6:48 AM on January 28

I haven’t watched this, but I’m guessing that my assessment of this as Star Trek: Contractual Obligation is correct?
posted by 1970s Antihero at 7:41 AM on January 28 [1 favorite]

Jessie Gender's review of this, Section 31 is Corporate Star Trek Slop, is, as you might guess from the title, not very kind. An excellent discussion of not only the film's many problems and missed opportunities but also the larger cultural context, from someone who really loves the franchise.
posted by Halloween Jack at 7:54 AM on January 28 [2 favorites]

I enjoyed the Red Letter Media re:View of Section 31 more than I enjoyed the film. And the review was mostly Mike and Rich looking tired and confused.
posted by jabah at 2:57 PM on January 28

about halfway thru i started scrolling on phone while the movie played. and then, i started skipping ahead. and then i just gave up. Michelle Yeoh deserves better than this. and, that horrific cackling Vulcan skinsuit was a crime against humanity.
posted by lapolla at 11:59 PM on January 28

Managed to finish it, and one thing that's really striking about this is how it effectively whitewashes Section 31 by the mere fact that it really has nothing to do with Section 31, and very little to do with Starfleet in general, compared to how S31 was portrayed in previous iterations of the franchise. Going undercover to defeat a menace to the Federation and/or the galaxy in general is something that regular Starfleet officers could and did do previously: Kirk and Spock in "The Enterprise Incident", Picard and Data in the "Unification" two-parter, Sisko, Worf, O'Brien, and Odo in "Apocalypse Rising", probably some others that don't come to mind at the moment. Literally the only representative of Starfleet or the Federation present is Garrett, who is described as having a stick up her ass because she actually cares about what the Federation is supposed to stand for; taking a significant but calculated risk at one point is described as "embracing chaos" and also a big character development for her.
posted by Halloween Jack at 7:36 AM on January 29 [1 favorite]

It would have been better if the crew had had to fix a mess of section 31's doing, rather than Giorgiou's. It's really preferable not to dwell on her past, because she's super-Hitler from the Eeeeevil dimension, and the less you think about that, the better.
posted by Monday, stony Monday at 6:42 PM on January 31 [1 favorite]

My biggest problem was actually the heist film framing. One of the central tropes of a heist film is The Briefing: you get a montage showing you what would happen if The Heist goes off perfectly. The whole point of a heist film is that The Heist does not come off just like in The Briefing, but the audience is primed by The Briefing to understand exactly how The Heist has "gone wrong".

Maybe there's an unexpected contingency, or maybe one character anticipated conflict and was an unreliable narrator during The Briefing. Maybe Plan B was The Real Heist All Along. There's loads of ways this comes off, but it's always "Remember that slick quick-cut version you saw earlier? Compare and contrast!"

But Section 31 tells you that Yeoh's character has already thwarted The Heist. She's ruined their plans, which are...and then they show you The Briefing. It's out-of-order, superfluous, and baffling. We get a briefing for a heist that won't actually happen, and we already know it!

Yeoh's character then says "Whatever, I have a better idea lol." and you see her carrying out The Heist on her own, but with some sci-fi tech that wasn't covered in The Briefing. So the action just stops for pointless exposition, so the audience can learn what this is and how it works and how it is helpful for The Heist. But that's what The Briefing is for! That's literally where this is supposed to go in a heist film!

I really get the sense that this was one of the scripts that was written by an LLM, and forced to be tidied up by a production team. It's plausible from point to point, but incomprehensibly wrong in every large-scale structural way.
posted by rum-soaked space hobo at 7:08 AM on February 3 [4 favorites]

I really get the sense that this was one of the scripts that was written by an LLM

To paraphrase Clarke, any sufficiently terrible group of studio execs is indistinguishable for an LLM.
posted by Monday, stony Monday at 10:00 AM on February 6 [1 favorite]

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