Presence (2024)
January 26, 2025 10:57 AM - Subscribe

Showcases a suburban house inhabited by a mysterious entity.

It was OK. Soderbergh almost never makes a stinker. But the big reveal left me puzzled. And it sure felt longer than 85 minutes.
posted by Lemkin (4 comments total)
As soon as it gets released on my channels, I'm going to watch it. I adore Soderbergh, even though I only seen a bit more than half of his movies
posted by growabrain at 11:26 AM on January 26 [1 favorite]

MeMail me if you want to discuss the ending, Lemkin. I'm hesitant to throw spoilers in right at the top of this thread especially when the only other commenter hasn't seen it yet. My movie theater had two special warnings up for this movie which was unusual to me. One was for flashing lights and one was a warning to not discuss anything about it the lobby to avoid spoilers.

I thought the ending was quite tidy, except in a time-travel-conundrum way and I know to just hand wave anything in that genre.
posted by tofu_crouton at 6:52 AM on January 27 [2 favorites]

it sure felt longer than 85 minutes.

I had a hard time understanding how much time had passed and I didn't know how long the movie was overall. I ordered a wine and they gave me a hissed warning about it being last call. Oops! I guess I'm used to every movie being 2 hours long these days.
posted by tofu_crouton at 6:53 AM on January 27

I liked it, but after the ending clicked in my brain I really loved it. It was also nice to see a modern ghost story that didn't rely on jump scares!

My biggest nitpick is the kid who played the villain. He was a giant red flag from frame 1 and already looked like a murderer before entering her room. It would have been more compelling had they worked up to it. The unveiling was not a shock- more of an "of course."
posted by haplesschild at 8:17 PM on January 27

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