17 Blocks (2019)
February 1, 2025 12:44 PM - Subscribe

"Using two decades of intimate home video, the story of the Sanford family, whose struggles with addiction and gun violence eventually lead to a journey of love, loss, and acceptance."

This is a heartbreaking documentary with 💯 score on Rotten Tomatoes. It’s an edited version of raw home videos taken by members of one Sanford family during the course of 20 years. There’s a single mother, her 3 children, and eventually the many nieces, grand-kids and others who live with them in crowded apartments.

What’s unusual about this movie is the fact that the subjects live “just 17 blocks away from The White House”, but in South East Washington DC, a traditionally "bad part of town" and that they are an "ordinary" poor, African-American family. So, the ongoing recording of their lives captures hardships and multi-generational tragedies, which are not typical to this type of project. It’s like a black “Boyhood”, played inside “The Wire” universe, except that it’s not fictional. Recommended.

The full movie is available on YouTube for free.

7.4 on IMDb.
posted by growabrain 1 user marked this as a favorite
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