King of the Hill: The Peggy Horror Picture Show
February 2, 2025 7:06 AM - Season 11, Episode 1 - Subscribe

Peggy becomes friends with a local drag queen.
posted by box (2 comments total)
I stopped watching the show well before this--no particular reason, just life stuff kind of nudging me away from broadcast TV in general--but this was cute (loved the "guest star" at the end) and has me thinking that I should do some catching up. I just checked out the info on the cancellation on Wikipedia--surprise surprise, more Fox bullshit was involved--and they may be doing a revival, with characters aging? Awesome.
posted by Halloween Jack at 11:14 AM on February 2

(I'm told a revival is happening, with Bobby as a 21-year old chef at a fusion restaurant in Dallas. Expected to be released in 'early 2025,' though I don't think that's a sure thing.)
posted by box at 12:11 PM on February 2 [1 favorite]

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