Queendom (2023)
February 9, 2025 4:29 AM - Subscribe

[Trailer] "In defiance of Russia's anti-LGTBQ laws, a queer, 21-year-old artist risks her life performing in surreal costumes throughout Moscow. Jenna Marvin's radical public performances blend artistry and activism in this SXSW documentary." --IMDb

Directed by Agniia Galdanova and starring Jenna Marvin

100% / 60% on Rotten Tomatoes. (I don't know who the other 40% are, if not Putin's army of bots.)
posted by johnofjack (1 comment total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
This film is alternately terrifying, oppressive, and heartening, and the swing ride scene had me howling with laughter. That said, lots of alpha males want a confrontation about Doing Gender Wrong, Marvin's family is ... not particularly supportive (and grandpa can get bent), and there's the ever-present threat of state violence. Nevertheless, there's just something remarkable about watching someone single-handedly try to shove the Overton window over enough for her and all of her friends to be safe.

A few interviews:
posted by johnofjack at 4:38 AM on February 9

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