Nosferatu (2023)
February 10, 2025 7:46 AM - Subscribe

Vampire Count Orlok expresses interest in a new residence and real estate agent Hutter's wife. Directed by David Lee Fisher, starring Doug Jones, Sarah Carter and Emrhys Cooper.

Funded on Kickstarter in 2014; filmed in 2016; premiered in November 2023; released on Amazon Prime and Apple TV in fall 2024.
posted by rednikki (4 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Pros: many stunning visuals, added some interesting additional plot points and themes. Edgar Allan Poe/Eddie Allen gave my favorite rendition of Herr Knock / Renfield of the Nosferatu versions I've seen so far. (I have not seen the 2024 version.)

Cons: a dude's-eye view of Nosferatu. This is very much about Thomas Hutter's journey from being kind of a dick to becoming a better person. It would have been much more interesting to me if it had been more from Ellen's point of view. Also, if they had killed certain important characters onscreen instead of just mentioning that they'd died.

Also, a surprising lack of Nosferatu for a Nosferatu film. I love Doug Jones, but his version of Nosferatu left me cold; it didn't have the creepiness of Schrek's, the menace of Kinski's, or the balls-to-the-wall WTFery of Dafoe's.
posted by rednikki at 7:54 AM on February 10 [2 favorites]

It is on Tubi as well.
posted by Ashwagandha at 10:36 AM on February 10 [1 favorite]

Beautiful movie but... not scary at all?
posted by porpoise at 3:38 PM on February 10

Yeah, needed a lot more Orlok and a lot more Ellen, with a corresponding reduction in Hutter. I liked the visuals, some of the exterior establishing shots were stunning! Ultimately I never felt a sense of dread or foreboding. The film opted for style over substance, to its detriment.

Sarah Carter has been magnetic in everything I've seen her in. I wish this had been about Ellen's psychic interactions with Orlok, with Hutter's trip to meet him handled as an abbreviated flashback. I would have loved to see Carter and Jones chew it up for the bulk of the runtime.
posted by under_petticoat_rule at 5:03 PM on February 11 [2 favorites]

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