Abbott Elementary: 100th Day Of School
March 16, 2025 8:05 PM - Season 4, Episode 15 - Subscribe

"It's a less scary Halloween" to have the kids dress up as 100-year-olds on the 100th day of school. Barbara's gonna be a grandma and worries about coming off too old. Tech guy wants to ask Ava out and Janine and Gregory are all WOO HER WITH A TON OF MONEY.

I LOVE teaching via telenovelas. I wish my school had done that.

"Help me, Jesus." It's me, Margaret, I'll help you! (Are you there, God, it's me, Margaret.)

"WHY IS HE SO ANNOYING" sounds the deadpan employee who just wants Ava to LEAVE already, followed by a whole lotta censored sex talk. "Just so you know, I am slowly building my case."

Melissa defending Sweetcheeks eating his own poo!

This explains the complaints I saw on the Internet about how guinea pigs shouldn't have a giant ball like they're a hamster.

Don't worry, Melissa, just put some food out and Sweetcheeks will return. Worked with my mom's hamster.

"Last time I saw Sweetcheeks, he had on a red wig and a leather jacket."

BARBARA AFTER AVA'S MAKEOVER. To be honest, she looks damn good in a tight fur jacket and tight tinsel(?!) jeans.

The step team in granny outfits is something!


"You should have told me he was wearing a wig, I could have found him earlier!"

I'm not into Tech Guy and can never remember his name, but "Wanna go out?" "Yes." "I'll text you" and "I took all of your wonderful advice" was a pretty cool way to handle shit.
posted by jenfullmoon
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