Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles: Brothers of Nablus
March 21, 2025 4:39 AM - Season 2, Episode 7 - Subscribe

The Connors find themselves on high alert and in odd company after their house is robbed. Elsewhere, one Terminator terrorizes Ellison, while another gets dangerously close to John Connor. Meanwhile, Derek and Jesse continue to get acquainted.

Episode 207 [wiki]
posted by porpoise (1 comment total)
Having been burgled before, feels real.

Cameron: "My leather jacket's gone."
Sarah: "Where's our stuff? Passports, IDs, credit cards."
Cameron: "Leather jacket."
Cameron: "My jacket. Give it to me." ... "Come and give it to me."

Fucking Jodie.
Fucking compassion.
Fucking Garret Dillahunt owns the Cromartie role.

Some nice scenery chewing from both Headey and Dekker. Oh yeah, he had a part in ST: Picard didnthe?
posted by porpoise at 5:28 AM on March 21

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