Rick and Morty: Look Who's Purging Now
September 28, 2015 7:11 AM - Season 2, Episode 9 - Subscribe

While Rick and Morty fly through space, they hit a space ... thing ... and it smears all over their windshield, and they realize they're out of wiper fluid. They drop in on a quaint little planet, and are given the wiper fluid and two candy bars for free, with the warning that they should get out of town before sunset, because today is the town's annual purge, like in The Purge (TV Tropes). Meanwhile, Jerry tries to make small talk with Summer, who is having none of it.
posted by filthy light thief (20 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
You wanna flash back to three weeks earlier, when you were alive?!?
posted by yellowbinder at 8:11 AM on September 28, 2015 [9 favorites]

I want to know what that script was supposed to be, if anything more than a generic bad script.
posted by filthy light thief at 9:49 AM on September 28, 2015

Good episode.
posted by ryanrs at 10:18 AM on September 28, 2015

It's the hardest working liver in the galaxy and now it has a hole in it.
posted by ryanrs at 10:26 AM on September 28, 2015 [2 favorites]

Maybe I don't need a new friend

Maybe you're the only friend I need.

Need...or want?

I've never been much for wanting.

Spoken like someone with needs.

JACEY reaches out and touches his face. It's clear he needs what she wants. She's a woman. He's a man.

The city burns in the background as he takes her in his arms.


TITLE: The End...?

posted by Iridic at 10:54 AM on September 28, 2015 [1 favorite]

I want to know what that script was supposed to be, if anything more than a generic bad script.

Rick says, "Spoken like someone with repressed rage" early on, so there's an aspect of self-commentary. (And in the end Morty actually tries to chat up a girl against the backdrop of a ruined society.)
posted by Iridic at 11:04 AM on September 28, 2015 [2 favorites]

Tony! Toni! Tone!: Feels Good
posted by Sys Rq at 11:12 AM on September 28, 2015 [1 favorite]

You'd think Morty would have learned that simplistic acts of "just trying to do good" don't really work out in that episode where he saved that alien energy being from assassination.

This episode was okay, much better than last week's stinker, but it feels like the series is kind of running out of steam. There have been more bland-to-bad episodes this season than the last. The first season also had some weak points, but it was good enough overall that you could overlook them with the expectation that quality would hold or improve, but sadly that doesn't seem to be the case. If the finale isn't mind-blowing it feels like we're going to slide into future seasons of mediocrity with the occasional gem.
posted by Sangermaine at 12:06 PM on September 28, 2015

Is this where we learn that the show is really just about the folly of American hubris and interventionism where, no matter how pure or how selfish our intentions, we can only make things worse by interfering with the affairs of sovereign nations? Because America is the good hearted, well resourced, myopic horny teenager of the world?
posted by elr at 1:32 PM on September 28, 2015 [1 favorite]

The first season also had some weak points, but it was good enough overall that you could overlook them with the expectation that quality would hold or improve, but sadly that doesn't seem to be the case

They definitely front-loaded this season, but I can't agree that it's been worse than the last season.

Episodes 5 and 8 were clunkers, but the episodes I'd consider this year's filler/baseline (episodes 1 and 7 and 9) have been better than the filler/baseline episodes from last year (Anatomy Park and Raising Gazorpazorp and Something Ricked). And the rest of this season has been outstanding.
posted by painquale at 3:37 PM on September 28, 2015 [3 favorites]

If someone asks if your vehicle is from the gods, you say YES.
posted by ryanrs at 5:31 PM on September 28, 2015 [2 favorites]

This might be my favorite episode this whole season (especially since Interdimensional Cable II was a bit of a letdown. Oh, well.)

Maybe I just see a lot of myself in Morty in this week's episode. A lot of repressed rage with no easy outlet... moreso when I was 14.

Also, Rick's genre-savvy never fails to amuse.
posted by SansPoint at 6:59 PM on September 28, 2015

If the worst episode of R&M we have had so far represents a slide into mediocrity I'll take it.
posted by phearlez at 7:05 PM on September 28, 2015 [2 favorites]

If the worst episode of R&M we have had so far represents a slide into mediocrity I'll take it.

It's telling that all the episodes people list as "the show's weakest" are pretty much all still excellent. Even Rick and Morty at a 6/10 beats most other shows at a 9/10.
posted by Itaxpica at 7:04 AM on September 29, 2015 [7 favorites]

I'm on the side of, "Even subpar Rick & Morty is better than most things a person might ever see on TV."

Stuff I appreciated:
* Finding out Rick was *actually playing* "Feels Good" during the bloodbath at the end, instead of it being just the show. That about killed me.

* Morty's continuing descent into darkness. Watching Morty get more and more Rick-like is the best way to see why Rick is the way he is, and I appreciate the show sliding him in that direction instead of having Rick soften up over him. (It's true that Rick has demonstrated some human compassion over Morty, he even does it here, but it's never really become *more* over the course of the series, IMO.)

* The B-plot. It was good Summer wasn't along for the Purge, but it was even better that she was part of Rick's backup plans. Also, Jerry trying to bum money off of her was gold. (I hope the show continues to pair Beth and Jerry up with anybody but each other.)
posted by mordax at 9:41 AM on September 29, 2015 [4 favorites]

I actually enjoyed the episode a fair bit and concur with the observation, a mediocre Rick and Morty is still dang good entertaining television.

This episode played more into my theme of the show identifying to a theme of the teenage boy. Morty is angry and doesn't know why and tries desperately to do the right thing, say the right thing. He's inwardly battling two identities, which might reflect his transitory state between child and adult. He wants to cling to a certain degree to the goodness he's been raised upon, but in this instance, he boils over with that teenage instant irritation and anger (with lethal effects, given the setting).

Conversely, with Jerry's storyline, he's reduced to being a child, and seeking out his daughter Summer, like a parent figure, to request allowance. Beth Dad has said no, and so he seeks money elsewhere. And indicative of his still very lacking emotional relationship with Beth, he lowers himself to the humiliating equivalent of dial-a-friend for comfort and companionship [I love that they brought the weird name back around for explanation at the end].

Then we have Rick, who has gone from being an anti-parent figure to extending affection and worry over his grandson. Morty has rubbed off on him, a character who has previously been defined by his hunger for excess, had to step away from the Purge going on below. It's hard to believe that the hardened Rick, who has been everywhere and seen everything, who has the moral compass of a smashed GPS device, would previously not have seen similar if not worse things than what were staged off screen here. Rick is definitely changing and becoming a father-figure that Morty is definitely lacking, but also, one that Morty can rebel against at times.

Additional thoughts...how appropriate when Rick is in the process of setting up a beacon, he chooses a light house? I'm not completely sure if Morty's anger fueled retort concerning three week long flashbacks and living wasn't one of the best setups and deliveries of the second season. Even better, it would have been completely unfeasible in the first season, especially in the first part, and only Morty's character's development over this season made it really possible. It's not surprising, either, that Morty's anger flared when he was chastised for being honest, or better put, "the Morty he's supposed to be, or thinks he should be."

Loved the Megaman suits. I've been waiting for them since the intro for season two first aired.
posted by Atreides at 11:31 AM on September 29, 2015 [1 favorite]

If anyone is considering watching The Purge, it's sequel, The Purge: Anarchy, wasn't so bad. The first Purge movie is a predictable home invasion film but Anarchy had a lot going for it with it's social commentary on class and race. I would even go as far as to say that it's in the same ballpark with They Live.
posted by cazoo at 12:24 PM on September 29, 2015

Rick's quick switch from enthusiasm to disinterest read to me less like empathy and more as an extension of his "been there, seen it" persona - he gets bored quickly pretty much everywhere where he does not have a specific goal to accomplish, where his ego is challenged (the miniature worlds inside his car radiator) or where the setting is explicitly set up to provide him with infinite new entertainment (the cable channels episodes, Blips n' Chips). Whatever part of himself requires the Purge, he's already satisfied it. Although he's willing to get back in in a sort of "eh, well, I'm here, might as well" when the cat-girl is slaughtering the aristocats.

This episode was uneven for me. I didn't enjoy the "planet of the week" element, but their getting trapped there was handled pretty well and there was some genuine tension. And I liked that cat-girl (don't remember her name) stole the car as part of some broader goal of her own. That's one of the things that really stands out with Morty - it's not that he's more empathic or moral than Rick, necessarily - it's that he doesn't realize that the people around him are people, that they have their own life stories, their own goals, and that his lack of knowledge of and understanding of these elements make interference dangerous for himself, for them, and for innocent bystanders. Morty helps people, but he doesn't think about them much.

Whereas when Rick finally decides to interfere, he's willing to take backgrounds into account (his tolerance of the very concept of the Purge as a way to deal with social tensions, his initial friendliness towards the Old Timer and live-and-let-live treatment of the lighthouse guy; "I think those guys were just hiding, Morty", his willingness to help the cat-girl in her plans for social change, etc.). Contra his all-knowing, seen-it-all persona, he genuinely seems willing to grant that others may know more, understand more about their situations than he does, and consequently is more willing to give them their head.

This is where I disagree with the idea that Morty is becoming "more like Rick" as the season goes on. He's becoming more like his mental image of Rick in some ways - selfish, egotistic, willing to breach the straightlaced moral conventions that he, as a fourteen-year-old, had previously never seriously questioned. But we're also seeing more of Rick, and getting more of a complex picture, and seeing just how far the reality and Morty's image of his grandfather diverge.
posted by AdamCSnider at 3:34 PM on September 29, 2015 [8 favorites]

I think the whole show is about how we were all Morty once upon a time: needy, insecure 14 year olds, wandering the multiverse with our grandparents, drugging girls to try to have sex with them, burying our alter-selves' corpses from parallel realities and ultimately getting caught up in free-for-all orgy of wanton murder and mutilation while wearing robotic armor. Who doesn't have memories of that?
posted by signal at 6:54 PM on September 29, 2015 [8 favorites]

Who doesn't have memories of that?

Why, we all do, of course. Wait.....

*looks around for brain parasites*
posted by AdamCSnider at 5:13 PM on September 30, 2015 [5 favorites]

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