Homeland: R For Romeo
April 5, 2017 7:23 AM - Season 6, Episode 11 - Subscribe

Carrie and Quinn make a discovery; Keane makes a decision; Max finds trouble.

Alternate recap: Carrie fucks up; Quinn saves her. Keane drops the mic on not-Alex-Jones. Max starts working for Dar Adal. One more episode to go.
posted by Nelson (10 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Solid episode. I love seeing Quinn and Carrie interact. Quinn has a certain piece now, he no longer is a puppy dog following Carrie around, but he still cares for her. You can just imagine his sigh as Carrie wanders into the Bad Guy House and certain peril again. "Well, guess I better go save her with my preternatural marksmanship again." Did I see it right, did he have the head-shot lined up on the bad guy first and then pulled the shot to wound him instead? So that he could then beat him to death more intimately? Youch.

I'm a bit weirded out at Max + Dar. Surely Max is smarter than to just accept what Dar tells him. And how does Dar even know who Max is? I guess probably, Dar knows everything. (FWIW, Max' official role is "private security consultant". He was introduced originally as an off-the-books friend of Carrie's, but he keeps turning up season after season.)

Keane vs. O'Keefe was fantastic. I love how this show has so deftly played into the current American political climate. Particularly since it's presumably an accident, mostly written and produced under the assumption Clinton won the presidency. The Variety recap this week does a good job talking about the real-world political context. “You are entitled to your own opinions but you are not entitled to your own facts". Would that we had such an articulate and fierce Democrat in the public sphere right now.
posted by Nelson at 7:29 AM on April 5, 2017 [1 favorite]

Really great episode. I love the returned ambiguity around which side Dar is really on. We've had hints for so long that he was not to be trusted and it seemed like his membership of team evil conspiracy was confirmed last week and now we see a way that he might just wiggle off the hook for it. It possible that he has been playing an inside game all along to catch O'Keefe and co, although I think it's more likely that setting up Quinn and/or assassinating the PEOTUS might be a step too far even for him. Either way although it looks like the trap is closing in on him I would not be surprised to see him live to fight another season and for us to be left with no further certainty about his allegiances.

The way it is capturing the American political zeitgeist is pretty mindblowing. I wonder if they have reshot any dialogue to take into account current events.

As for Max, I guess he may as well play along with Dar since his alternatives seem worse. I thought it was a bit unbelievable that Max the tech magician wouldn't realise that his use of the phone could be tracked.
posted by roolya_boolya at 12:29 PM on April 5, 2017

I have trouble with suspension of belief for a plot where Franny is in foster care. One thing though about Carrie losing her daughter to the state--what has happened with Carrie's sister--why has she not been offered as a potential home where Franny could be safely placed. IRL, best interests of the child would prevail and her aunt would be on the scene to have custody. No way is foster care a first option that would occur. This whole plot line gives on Dar's ability to even do this to Carrie's daughter. Not realistic.
posted by MidStream at 4:16 PM on April 5, 2017 [2 favorites]

> Max... was introduced originally

If you're wondering like I was who that other guy with Max was, it was his older brother Virgil. (played by David Marciano). I miss his sourpuss attitude, going along with Carrie's illegal and insane plans but grumbling about how they're all going to end up in the shit in the end.
posted by ASCII Costanza head at 4:40 PM on April 5, 2017 [1 favorite]

One thing though about Carrie losing her daughter to the state--what has happened with Carrie's sister--why has she not been offered as a potential home where Franny could be safely placed

They addressed this. The case worker asked about other family and Carrie brought up her sister. But said uh.... something something... Italy? something? for a year.

Yes, I was clearly paying attention.
posted by Justinian at 6:05 PM on April 5, 2017 [1 favorite]

We've had hints for so long that he was not to be trusted and it seemed like his membership of team evil conspiracy was confirmed last week and now we see a way that he might just wiggle off the hook for it

Is there really any doubt that Dar is in "team evil conspiracy"? I thought it was made pretty clear that he was behind the midtown bombing, and the lie about Iran breaking the nuclear deal. What this episode showed was his human weakness, (a constant theme of Homeland): a fatherly affection for Quinn. He's still the mastermind of the evil conspiracy even if he ends up turning against it somehow in order to save his quasi-Son.
posted by dis_integration at 7:44 PM on April 8, 2017

Is there really any doubt that Dar is in "team evil conspiracy"?

He could be acting under deep cover to unmask the conspiracy, or at least could argue that is what he is doing.
posted by roolya_boolya at 11:46 PM on April 8, 2017

Dar sexually abused Quinn as a boy. There's no explaining that away, not even in TV morality.
posted by Nelson at 6:21 AM on April 9, 2017

The way it is capturing the American political zeitgeist is pretty mindblowing. I wonder if they have reshot any dialogue to take into account current events.

I read an interview with Gansa this week where he said they did do some reshoots to introduce O'Keefe earlier in the season - initially he was only going to appear around ep8, but when they realised how relevant it was, they wove him in from ep2.

Dar sexually abused Quinn as a boy. There's no explaining that away, not even in TV morality.

Although that's true, if his twisted (not just fatherly!) love results in him saving our hero Quinn from being framed for Keane's assassination, he does become more nuanced than just the one-dimensional baddie we saw at the lake house. He has a weakness, a person he is prepared to put before his own interests; turning his back on his co-conspirators and jumping ship from their plot in order to save Quinn is an interesting move from someone who has previously seemed to be in it purely for himself.

But said uh.... something something... Italy? something? for a year.

She was "on sabbatical" IIRC...

This whole plot line gives on Dar's ability to even do this to Carrie's daughter. Not realistic.

I think if you're looking for realism you might be in the wrong place!

Facetious comments aside, I'm always fascinated by the way Homeland manages to weave a precarious line between realism and impossibility, and get away with it. Quinn has a stroke - they go to town on making the after effects realistic. He gets shot in the shoulder, with a second bullet graze to the head sufficient to leave him (and his poor damaged brain) moaning semi-conscious on the floor until Astrid mentions the gun? Pah, no biggie! Stick a gauze on the shoulder, wince for an episode or two, and move on. I guess that's TVland for you.
posted by penguin pie at 9:16 AM on April 9, 2017 [1 favorite]

I'm girl-crushing on President-Elect Keane. Awesome character.
posted by orange swan at 8:27 PM on September 8, 2017

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