Comrade Detective (2017-)
In the thick of 1980's Cold War hysteria, the Romanian government created the country's most popular and longest-running series, Comrade Detective, a sleek and gritty police show that not only entertained its citizens but also promoted Communist ideals and inspired a deep nationalism. The action-packed and blood-soaked first season finds Detectives Gregor Anghel and Joseph Baciu investigating the...
Comrade Detective: "There's no such thing as a crooked cop in Romania!" Season 1 (Full Season)
What is Comrade Detective? Is it a spoof of American cop dramas/anti-Communist propaganda? Perhaps it's someone's worst idea ever. [more inside]
Comrade Detective: The Whole World Is Watching First Watch Season 1, Episode 5
Comrade Detective purports to be a rediscovered buddy cop show from mid-eighties Romania, made as Eastern Bloc propaganda/entertainment. It isn't; it was filmed in Romania in the modern day, with Romanian actors, and then dubbed into English by actors like Channing Tatum, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Nick Offerman, and occasionally guest stars like Debra Winger and Daniel Craig.
In this episode: Baciu's family notices something unsettling; we hear Dragos's suspicions and learn something new about Stan; the American embassy is hospitable. [more inside]