Maintenance Phase
Debunking the junk science behind health fads, wellness scams and nonsensical nutrition advice.
Podcast: Maintenance Phase: The Food Pyramid
In the 1990s, the Food Pyramid was one of the most recognizable symbols in nutrition education. But where did it come from? Why was it created by the agriculture department? And why did it tell us to eat a whole loaf of bread every day?
Podcast: Maintenance Phase: Zombie Statistics Spectacular!
Debunking some of the most widely repeated myths about fat and health. Here's Mike's new video! Support us:Hear bonus episodes on PatreonDonate on PayPalGet Maintenance Phase T-shirts, stickers and moreThanks to Doctor Dreamchip for our lovely theme song!Support the show ( [more inside]
Podcast: Maintenance Phase: Michael Pollan's "The Omnivore's Dilemma"
How a liberal journalist entrenched a libertarian fantasy. Support the show (
Podcast: Maintenance Phase: "Super Size Me"
Aubrey thought she could swear less in this week's episode. She was wrong. Support the show!(
Podcast: Maintenance Phase: "Illness Influencer" Belle Gibson
In 2015, Belle Gibson was an Australian "eco-preneur" with a vegetarian cookbook, a blockbuster wellness app and a terminal cancer diagnosis. Today, she's one of the most hated figures in the country.Support us:Hear bonus episodes on PatreonDonate on PayPalGet Maintenance Phase T-shirts, stickers and more
Podcast: Maintenance Phase: Diet Book Deep Dive: The Karl Lagerfeld Diet
Who's that Bond villain stroking a cat and yelling at beloved public figures? It's Karl Lagerfeld! This week, Mike and Aubrey go in on fashion's favorite turbo troll and his fancy, joyless diet. This episode serves four.
Podcast: Maintenance Phase: Fat Camps
How America's oldest fat camp — and the inspiration for Disney's "Heavyweights" — became the symbol of a health intervention that enjoys worldwide popularity despite no evidence that it improves anyone's health. Support the show ( [more inside]
Podcast: Maintenance Phase: The "Sleep Loss Epidemic"
Matthew Walker’s "Why We Sleep" was one of the most popular and acclaimed wellness books of 2017. There’s just one problem: Much of it isn’t true. Support the show:
Podcast: Maintenance Phase: Vibrators
It's a sexual health episode! This week, Mike and Aubrey dive into the hotly debated medical history of vibrators and ask: who fact-checks the fact-checkers? Support the show
Podcast: Maintenance Phase: Is Being Fat Bad For You?
For nearly four decades, Americans have heard a simple story about health, longevity and obesity. This week, we learn it’s a little more complicated.
Thanks to Katherine Flegal, Paul Campos, Jeff Hunger and Jason Salemi for helping us research and fact-check this episode!