202 posts tagged with History.
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The Department of Time: Tiempo de hidalgos (Time of Noblemen) First Watch Season 2, Ep 3
Pacino joins the team for the first time as they work to ensure that Miguel de Cervantes publishes "Don Quixote" in 1604. [more inside]
The Department of Time: El tiempo en sus manos (The time on his hands) First Watch Season 2, Ep 2
Salvador activates a protocol to have Julián detained and returned to the Ministry. Meanwhile, a cop from 1981 arrives in the present chasing a murderer who fled through a closet that turns out to have been a time door. His name is Jesús Méndez, nicknamed "Pacino" for his resemblance to the actor. In 2016, Pacino discovers that the he was declared guilty in absentia of the murders he was investigating. [more inside]
The Department of Time: La leyenda del tiempo (The Legend of Time) First Watch Season 1, Ep 8
Season finale. When the Ministry discovers that a young Salvador Dali has designed a film poster in 1924 depicting a modern electronic tablet computer, the team is sent to investigate. [more inside]
The Department of Time: Tiempo de venganza (Time of Revenge) First Watch Season 1, Ep 7
In 1843, Isabella II of Spain became Queen at the age of 13 (with her mother Maria Christina assuming regency). A year later, she demanded to visit the Ministry of Time. Former Ministry agent Armando Leiva, who recruited Irene back in 1960, has escaped from a Ministry prison in the Middle Ages and plans to kill the Queen during her visit. With the very existence of the Ministry at stake, Ernesto, Amelia and Alonso are sent to foil Leiva's plans. [more inside]
The Department of Time: Tiempo de pícaros. (Time of Rogues) First Watch Season 1, Ep 6
The Ministry is called to investigate when archaeologists find a cell phone belonging to a missing 21st century corrupt executive in a room that was sealed off in 1520. Julián, Amelia and Alonso travel to the past and meet the novella-inspiring Lazarillo de Tormes. Meanwhile, Irene interrogates Paul Walcott who has been captured by the Ministry and locked in a 1053 prison in Huesca. [more inside]
The Department of Time: Cualquier tiempo pasado (Any time in the past is better) First Watch Season 1, Ep 5
Julián, Amelia and Alonso travel to 1981 to ensure a Picasso painting is returned to Spain. [more inside]
Movie: Apocalypse Now
During the Vietnam War, Captain Willard is sent on a dangerous mission into Cambodia to assassinate a renegade Colonel who has set himself up as a god among a local tribe. [more inside]
The Department of Time: Una negociación a tiempo (Bargaining in time) First Watch Season 1, Ep 4
Salvador sends the team to 1491 to save the first discoverer of the time doors from the Spanish Inquisition. Amelia hides her job at the Ministry by telling her 1880 parents that she has a boyfriend. [more inside]
The Department of Time: Cómo se reescribe el tiempo (How time is rewritten) First Watch Season 1, Ep 3
The Ministry sends agents to 1940 after a man being chased by Nazis promises to show Heinrich Himmler how to travel in time if he'll spare his life. Amelia, Julián and Alonso travel to Montserrat. Ernesto and Irene go to Hendaye, where Hitler and Franco negotiate Spain's participation in WWII. [more inside]
The Department of Time: Tiempo de Gloria (Time of Glory) First Watch Season 1, Ep 2
Julián, Amelia and Alonso are ordered to travel to Lisbon, 1588 to prevent the playwright Lope de Vega from dying before he writes his greatest works. [more inside]
The Department of Time: El tiempo es el que es. (Time is what it is.) First Watch Season 1, Ep 1
El Ministerio del Tiempo (The Ministry of Time) is the best kept secret of the Spanish state: an autonomous government institution whose patrols guard the doors of time and preserve Spain's past. Now, the Ministry's newest recruits: an Army of Flanders soldier from 1956, (Alonso de Entrerríos,) a female college student from 1880 (Amelia Folch) and a modern day SAMUR paramedic (Julián Martínez,) must prevent two Frenchmen in 1808 from altering a war's outcome.
Movie: Glory
Robert Gould Shaw leads the U.S. Civil War's first all-black volunteer company, fighting prejudices from both his own Union Army, and the Confederates. [more inside]
Movie: Reds
A radical American journalist becomes involved with the Communist revolution in Russia, and hopes to bring its spirit and idealism to the United States. [more inside]
Podcast: Uncivil: The Raid
A group of ex-farmers, a terrorist from Kansas, and a schoolteacher attempt the greatest covert operation of the Civil War.
The Vietnam War: The Weight of Memory (March 1973 - Onward) Season 1, Ep 10
Civil war continues in Vietnam as President Richard Nixon resigns. After North Vietnamese troops regain control of Saigon and the war ends, people from all sides search for reconciliation. [more inside]
The Vietnam War: A Disrespectful Loyalty (May 1970-March 1973) Season 1, Ep 9
The South Vietnamese fight on their own, succumbing to terrible losses in Laos. After he is reelected, President Richard Nixon strikes a peace deal with Hanoi that sees the release of American prisoners of war. [more inside]
The Vietnam War: The History of the World (April 1969-May 1970) Season 1, Ep 8
With morale plummeting in Vietnam, President Nixon begins withdrawing American troops. As news breaks of an unthinkable massacre committed by American soldiers, the public debates the rectitude of the war, while an incursion into Cambodia reignites antiwar protests with tragic consequences at Kent State University.
The Vietnam War: The Veneer of Civilization (June 1968-May 1969) Season 1, Ep 7
Public support for the war declines, and American men of draft age face difficult decisions and wrenching moral choices. After police battle with demonstrators in the streets of Chicago, Richard Nixon wins the presidency, promising law and order at home and peace overseas. In Vietnam, the war goes on and soldiers on all sides witness terrible savagery and unflinching courage.
The Vietnam War: Things Fall Apart (January 1968-July 1968) Season 1, Ep 6
On the eve of the Tet holiday, North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces launch surprise attacks on cities and military bases throughout the south, suffering devastating losses but casting grave doubt on Johnson’s promise that there is “light at the end of the tunnel.” The president decides not to run again and the country is staggered by assassinations and unrest.
The Vietnam War: This Is What We Do (July 1967-December 1967) Season 1, Ep 5
American casualties and enemy body counts mount as Marines face deadly North Vietnamese ambushes and artillery south of the DMZ and Army units chase an elusive enemy in the central highlands. Hanoi lays plans for a massive surprise offensive, and the Johnson Administration reassures the American public that victory is in sight.
The Vietnam War: Resolve (January 1966-June 1967) Season 1, Ep 4
Defying American airpower, North Vietnamese troops and materiel stream down the Ho Chi Minh Trail into the south, while Saigon struggles to “pacify the countryside.” As an antiwar movement builds back home, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and Marines discover that the war they are being asked to fight in Vietnam is nothing like their fathers’ war.
The Vietnam War: The River Styx (January 1964-December 1965) Season 1, Ep 3
With South Vietnam in chaos, hardliners in Hanoi seize the initiative and send combat troops to the south, accelerating the insurgency. Fearing Saigon’s collapse, President Johnson escalates America’s military commitment, authorizing sustained bombing of the north and deploying ground troops in the south.
Podcast: The Dollop with Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds: 277 - The Acadians
Book: Stamped from the Beginning
Ibram X. Kendi argues in Stamped from the Beginning, racist ideas in this country have a long and lingering history, one in which nearly every great American thinker is complicit. [more inside]
Interest in a nonfiction #resistance club?
I am toying with this idea, in part because of chainsofreedom's new fictional "in these trying times" club and Miko's excellent recent ask. Except these days, most of what I read is nonfiction. Anyone up for a nonfiction #resisting club tackling useful works to know about? I'm thinking a mix of history, maybe some political thought, maybe some sociology kinds of things. Suggestions inside the cut. [more inside]
Vikings: The Reckoning Season 4, Ep 20
The Brothers Lothbrok fulfill their vow to revenge Rangar's death, but can anything hold them together in victory? [more inside]
Vikings: On The Eve Season 4, Ep 19
In an action-focused episode, Ragnar's sons turn their attack to King Ecbert and Aethelwulf, while Lagertha fends off an attack on Kattegat.
Vikings: Revenge Season 4, Ep 18
Ragnar's plan comes to fruition; the Viking army lands on the coast of Northumbria.
Vikings: The Great Army Season 4, Ep 17
Bjorn heads home to join his brothers as they plot a grand revenge for their father's death. Tensions arise between the brothers about what to do with Lagertha. [more inside]
All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace: Full Series Season 0, Ep 0
A three-part, 2011 BBC miniseries by Adam Curtis, dealing with computers, systems theories, government, finance, the Rwandan genocide, libertarianism and more. [more inside]
Vikings: Crossings Season 4, Ep 16
Bjorn and his fleet launch an attack in Moorish Spain. Meanwhile in Kattegat, Lagertha takes up the throne in the face of threats from Ivar.
Vikings: All His Angels Season 4, Ep 15
Ragnar is handed over to King Aelle to meet his fate. Ivar returns to Kattegat with the news.
Vikings: In the Uncertain Hour Before the Morning Season 4, Ep 14
Lagertha and Aslaug face off over the rulership of Kattegat. Ubbe and Sigurd aren't happy with the results. Ragnar and King Ecbert meet again, and plan to fulfill what Ragnar sees as his fate.
Vikings: The Vision Season 4, Ep 12
Ragnar seeks to equip his voyage to Wessex, even while being warned that the gods have deserted him. Bjorn prepares to fulfill his dream of exploring the Mediterranean.
Vikings: The Outsider Season 4, Ep 11
Ragnar has returned, with a plan to return to Wessex. Bjorn already has another destination in mind, with the aid of new ships from Floki. Ivar faces a test of his manhood.
Book: Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
Immediately recognized as a revelatory and enormously controversial book since its first publication in 1971, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee is universally recognized as one of those rare books that forever changes the way its subject is perceived.* [more inside]
Great Performances: And when my time is up, have I done enough? Will they tell our story? Season 0, Ep 0
Tonight, the room where it happens will be PBS for the premiere of the Hamildoc: Hamilton's America, a documentary film about the musical, which needs no introduction, and the people and history behind its creation. The documentary features everyone from Lin-Manuel Miranda to Stephen Sondheim to Questlove to Barack Obama and offers an opportunity to see some of the original Broadway cast perform up close. It airs on your local PBS station tonight at 9pm (check local listings) and will stream live on Facebook at 9pm Eastern time, and from your PBS Anywhere app.
Milwaukee Blacksmith: Season one of "Milwaukee Blacksmith" Season 1, Ep 0
A Milwaukee family specializes in the "second-oldest profession..." blacksmithing, creating giant pieces of art out of iron.
Steven Universe: Buddy's Book Season 4, Ep 3
Steven and Connie go to the public library and find a forgotten chronicle!
Podcast: Dan Carlin's Hardcore History: Show 58 - Kings of Kings III
If this were a movie, the events and cameos would be too numerous and star-studded to mention. It includes Xerxes, Spartans, Immortals, Alexander the Great, scythed chariots, and several of the greatest battles in history.
Hell on Wheels: Two Soldiers Season 5, Ep 8
In the beginning of the final seven episodes of the series, Cullen and The Swede finally have it out. [more inside]
Vikings: Death All 'Round Season 4, Ep 9
The Vikings continue hauling their boats overland toward Paris. Erlender finally attempts his revenge on Bjorn. Ecbert is crowned king of Mercia, to the consternation of former ally King Aelle. Aethelwulf and Alfred arrive in Rome and meet with Pope Leo.
Vikings: Portage Season 4, Ep 8
An increasingly unhinged Ragnar directs his raiding party on a new plan to re-attack Paris. Young Siggurd tries to expose Harbard to Aslaug. And the court intrigues of both Wessex and Paris turn bloody.
Vikings: The Profit and the Loss Season 4, Ep 7
Ragnar and his raiding party come up against Rollo's new defenses as they attempt to head for Paris. In Wessex, Ecbert schemes to gain the crown of Mercia. Back in Kattegat, Harbard takes advantage of the men's absence.
Podcast: Dan Carlin's Hardcore History: Show 57 - Kings of Kings II
From Biblical-era coup conspiracies to the horrific aftermath of ancient combat this second installment of the series on the Kings of Achaemenid Persia goes where only Dan can take it. For better or worse...
Podcast: Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff: Episode 182: Much Like the Person In It
Now that backers of our exciting and handsome Patreon campaign get priority access to pose questions for the show, we have a bunch of great questions in the hopper. So let's get to four of them in a special celebratory all-request episode. [more inside]
Podcast: History on Fire: EPISODE 6 The Duel
On July 11, 1804, the vice-president of the United States (Aaron Burr) and the first Secretary of the Treasury (Alexander Hamilton) decided to settle their grievances by drawing their pistols and trying to shoot each other dead. This is the story of the events leading Burr and Hamilton to stop exchanging words and begin exchanging lead.
Vikings: Yol Season 4, Ep 4
Bjorn faces a challenge on his return to Kattegat, and makes another stop to pick up a new companion. Ragnar spends some private time with a new slave girl. Rollo and Gisla come to a new understanding. And some more royal intrigue between Wessex and Northumbria.
Vikings: Mercy Season 4, Ep 3
A vision leads Ragnar to release Floki. Rollo has troubles fitting in with the Franks. Bjorn continues his sojourn in the wilderness. Meanwhile in Wessex, King Ecbert and Judith re-start their affair.
Vikings: Kill The Queen Season 4, Ep 2
As Ragnar and Floki remain at odds in Kattegat, Rollo makes great efforts in Paris to win over his new bride, Princess Gisla. Bjorn's survival skills are put to the test in the wilderness, while King Ecbert sets the task for his son Aethelwulf to rescue Queen Kwenthrith from opposing forces in Mercia.