2 posts tagged with OhDaehwan.
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Movie: Mission: Possible

[TRAILER] Chinese secret agent Da-hee receives intel that a large number of illegal firearms are being smuggled into Korea and is sent to investigate the case. She meets Su-han, who was supposed to help her with the case but due to his lackluster skills, they keep fighting over really trivial things. But as their witnesses are suddenly murdered, the two of them quickly become the prime suspects. [more inside]
posted by DirtyOldTown on Aug 10, 2023 - 2 comments

May I Help You: May I Help You  Season 1, Ep 0

A young man who runs a cheap errand service meets a woman who is a funeral director. The woman can communicate with ghosts, and must fulfill their last wishes or face bad luck. The two join forces to be of service to their unique clientele. [more inside]
posted by oh yeah! on Jan 4, 2023 - 1 comment

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