3 posts tagged with RoyCohn.
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Fellow Travelers: Fellow Travelers  Season 1, Ep 0

Expanding on Thomas Mallon's novel, the series covers a queer love story between two men, from the Lavender Scare into the AIDS epidemic. [more inside]
posted by Stanczyk on Jan 2, 2024 - 1 comment

Movie: Bully. Coward. Victim. The Story of Roy Cohn

A look at the paradoxical life and work of evil power broker Roy Cohn. A new HBO documentary looks at the dirty trickster who helped send the director’s grandparents to their execution. NYT review. [more inside]
posted by growabrain on Jun 20, 2020 - 0 comments

Movie: Get Me Roger Stone

A documentary that loosely follows avowed dirty trickster Roger Stone through the 2016 campaign while reviewing the broad outlines of his career - from outsider, to Reagan campaign insider, to consultant, to outsider and insider and outsider (and insider?) again, all loosely framed around his (claimed) desire to someday run Donald Trump as a candidate for President. Featuring interviews with Stone, Paul Manafort, Tucker Carlson, Trump, and many others.
posted by Going To Maine on Jun 7, 2017 - 2 comments

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