Fellow Travelers: Fellow Travelers
January 2, 2024 2:48 PM - Season 1 (Full Season) - Subscribe
Expanding on Thomas Mallon's novel, the series covers a queer love story between two men, from the Lavender Scare into the AIDS epidemic.
NPR Pop Culture Happy Hour 'Fellow Travelers' is a queer love story with highs, lows, tops, and bottoms
Washington Post ‘Fellow Travelers’ delivers a steamy saga about bittersweet love
RogerEbert.com "This is one of the best miniseries of the year."
NPR Pop Culture Happy Hour 'Fellow Travelers' is a queer love story with highs, lows, tops, and bottoms
Washington Post ‘Fellow Travelers’ delivers a steamy saga about bittersweet love
RogerEbert.com "This is one of the best miniseries of the year."
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This bit from the Ebert link above says exactly what I have been feeling, and I am so happy to see these sentences in a mainstream publication:
"The link between queerness and sex is intrinsic, and the creators of "Fellow Travelers" thankfully wholly understand this. From the first sex scene between Tim and Hawk, where their bodies harshly clash, to later sequences where their skin melds together like liquid gold amongst white sheets, the intimacy here is striking. Unlike certain peers in the queer sphere of cinema and television, the show looks at queerness with unwavering honesty, which makes the sex scenes almost staggering."
posted by archimago at 10:13 AM on January 4, 2024 [2 favorites]