2 posts tagged with Zeke.
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Alien Commies from the Future!  Season 7, Ep 3

Coulson meets one of his heroes. Simmons sports a new lipstick colour. Mack just doesn't feel like explaining things. May and Yo-Yo just don't feel like talking about things. Deke puts his privilege to use. [more inside]
posted by sardonyx on Jun 10, 2020 - 6 comments

Bob's Burgers: Midday Run  Season 5, Ep 8

When Tina is up for a big hall monitor promotion, she is determined to do whatever it takes to nab the powerful job. So, she enlists the help of Gene and Louise. Meanwhile, back at the restaurant, Linda gets artsy and begins to decorate the walls with customer artwork...on napkins
posted by mathowie on Jan 5, 2015 - 9 comments

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