2 posts tagged with beebo.
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Legends of Tomorrow: Beebo Saves Christmas  Season 1, Ep 10000

Dear Loyal Customer, This letter is to confirm your Christmas wish has been received. Thank you for your interest in the holidays. Sincerely, Your North Pole Care Team. Although this is tagged as a Legends of Tomorrow episode it really isn't one. It's a one-shot spin-off of a character that first appeared in Legends, and even then, it's not the Legends character exactly. It's more like an interpretation of the origin of a character. That's a long way of saying you don't have to watch any of the Arrowverse shows to understand this modern take on a traditional Christmas cartoon-musical special. Suitable for slightly older children. [more inside]
posted by sardonyx on Dec 3, 2021 - 5 comments

Supergirl: Ahimsa  Season 4, Ep 4

Alex asks Lena and Brainiac to team up and help Supergirl; J'onn discovers new ways to help his fellow aliens after running into Manchester Black. [more inside]
posted by numaner on Nov 7, 2018 - 7 comments

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