2 posts tagged with fanriff by JHarris.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.
Special Event: Weekly Planet's riff of STAR WARS
That's the original Star Wars, and the theatrical cut I believe. The Weekly Planet is a pop culture discussion podcast, and your culture doesn't get much more pop than "A New Hope." A doofus moisture (a.k.a. "sweat") farmer leaves his hick planet to navigate a universe of robots, monsters, cabarets, wizards, smugglers, princesses and villains. Somehow he saves the universe. Here's their link to the audio of their riff ($1), released August 2015.
Special Event: Ryan K. Johnson's Riff of STAR TREK V
Long ago, before MST3K Seasons 11-13, before The Mads Are Back, before Cinematic Titanic, and Rifftrax... before Master Pancake, Mister Sinus, Mystery Fandom Theater 3000 and FilmRoasters... before, yet, the Sci-Fi Channel era, even before Mike Nelson became host of the original show... possibly the first MST3K fanwork was Ryan K. Johnson's riff of Star Trek V, from 1992. 33 years old now! Made for friends, never distributed and hard to find. We arranged for a special showing and can vouch, Ryan and his friends have got the chops.